I mentioned in another topic, I just breezed through the Annual Meeting video.
OMG! He is kicking the GT can down the road. Interestingly, most of
what he says is exactly what people have been whispering. (And I always
find it interesting that this is how they always address these issues,
ie, 1914 being 100 years ago. When they end their silence they tackle it
head on and put some good spin on it.)
This time it is: Mom is
dead. Grandma is dead.Great grandma is dead. And now I'm as old as they
were when they died. Yet, they all felt (as I do) that they were going
to live right through the GT and Big A and stroll right on into the
Panda Petting Paradise. But instead they all died. No Paradise in sight.
Still they are to be commended because they were always "On the Watch"
and "living in expectation". AND....... all that doesn't really matter
because when they wake up in the resurrection it will be as if they had
just slept through the night but awakened into Paradise.
FAILS TO SAY is that these people had put the rest of their lives "on
hold". They had not saved and planned to get old because they were
assured that they would NEVER get old. But as usual, he blames it all on
them. He reads the verse that "no one knows the hour, ...... not even
the son". SO............ they ignored the Bible. Yes, my friends, it's
all their own fault!!
SO.... HE ALSO FAILS TO SAY that everyone
of them was assured by "God's F&D Slave" that they would not die and
that they would walk right into Paradise. These people did not all pull
this bullshit out of their @$$. We all know that WT Leadership has been
beating that drum of "IT'S RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER" for over 100 years!
They only pull out that scripture that "no one knows" when it's
convenience for them to cover their ass of failures.
brothers and sisters, it is still RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER. But the
corner is still so damn long that you very well may get old and even die
before we make the turn. Amen.