JW's as people are generally nice. I have always tried to make a distinction between the leadership and the sheeples.
So if you're saying that JW's do NOT practice wholesale "conditional love", then I agree.
However, what the leadership enforces is conditional love, especially through the JC's and disfellowshippings. Many JW families still sneak familial interactions out of sight from the elders. We know this. However, by and large, JW's institutionally advocate and teach conditional love, even if the sheeples don't always follow it.
I would also add that for all of the broken hearts that are left behind by judicial rulings, the Borg also break the hearts of many "faithful" JW families who choose to stay in. They start to die inside trying to stay loyal to judicial decisions against family members, especially ones involving their own kids. For sure they should be held accountable for their part in supporting this crap, but let's not kid ourselves. They are devastated. And yet, not devastated enough to do the right thing. That's the power of cults for you.