San Diego abuse case: stay tuned. Zalkin's motion to be considered this Friday.

by Sugar Shane 37 Replies latest watchtower scandals


    In a court motion, Padron's attorney, Irwin Zalkin, says the court must get tough with the church and issue terminating sanctions compelling church leaders and their attorneys to follow orders. If granted, terminating sanctions would impose fines on the church for each day it fails to turn over the documents. If the documents are still not produced after a reasonable amount of time, the judge could order dismissal of the case and render judgment against the Watchtower, the Playa Pacific Spanish Congregation, and Campos.

    WatchTower doesn`t care..

    They`ll pay the fines,claim persecution.....JW`s will eat it up.


    .......................Image result for problem solved

  • Giordano

    from the article: "...Watchtower produced documents that redacted the names of victims, elders, perpetrators, congregations (as well as the addresses and contact information of the congregation), towns where abuse occurred, law enforcement agencies that investigated claims, and other material," reads a newly filed court document. "The redactions are so extreme that Plaintiff cannot make use of them. Plaintiff submitted a sampling of these redacted documents to the discovery referee and this Court, who each agreed that the redactions are so broad as to undermine Plaintiff's ability to use them.

    "This court determined the requested documents were relevant, unprivileged, and that production would not be overly burdensome. This court also specifically addressed third party privacy, stating: ‘all personal, identifying information pertaining to any third party/victim should be redacted from the documents to address any privacy concerns.’”

    In a court motion, Padron's attorney, Irwin Zalkin, says the court must get tough with the church and issue terminating sanctions compelling church leaders and their attorneys to follow orders. If granted, terminating sanctions would impose fines on the church for each day it fails to turn over the documents. If the documents are still not produced after a reasonable amount of time, the judge could order dismissal of the case and render judgment against the Watchtower, the Playa Pacific Spanish Congregation, and Campos.

    The motion, as well as a request from the Playa Pacific Spanish Congregation for summary judgement, will be heard in department 75 at 9 a.m. on Friday, inside the San Diego Superior Court building downtown.

  • wifibandit

    YET Another victim of Elder Campos.

    Osbaldo Padron is being represented by Irwin Zalkin.

    Case Number: 37-2013-00067529-CU-PO-CTL

    9:00 a.m. 2016-04-29

    330 West Broadway ,San Diego,CA,92101




  • Sugar Shane
    Sugar Shane

    The Australian list contained just over 1000 names of abusers. The US database allegedly contains over 20,000! Holy CRAP!?!

    This number shouldn't surprise though, given the overall greater number of JW adherents in the US, compared to Australia. Furthermore, the very EXISTENCE of such a list shouldn't shock, as parts of the US database WERE apparently shown to the appeals judge. They were just too blanked-out & redacted to be of any use.

    Incidentally, much of Prince's involvement with the JWs is now making the rounds on news websites. Many journalists are pondering as to who will inherit his vast estate. I've seen comments to these stories which make reference to the ARC & pedo lawsuits, as well as the overall 'cultiness' of the JWs. Now would be a good opportunity to make some comments of our own, with specific reference to this San Diego case & the WTs potentially HUGE pedophile database. It would hopefully start getting the attention of more NON-JWs. I'd personally love to see 60 Minutes go after 'em!

    Here's one such article. Their are more just like it. Simple 'Google' "Prince Jehovah's Witness," under the NEWS topic, and you'll get plenty o' hits:

  • Sugar Shane
    Sugar Shane


    Bingo! This is a DIFFERENT victim altogether. The first suit was brought by Jose Lopez. Mr. Padron is the latest.

    Not to mention the others who have previously settled.

  • Hadriel

    Sadly unless they are threatened with imprisonment I don't see how anything changes here other than they pay fines and lose a judgment.

    Even then I would imagine those that would be imprisoned would NOT be the governing body members but those who are officers of the corporations.

  • DNCall

    My guess is that the motion that will be heard Friday was filed prior to the appellate court's ruling in the Lopez case that terminating sanctions were not appropriate when lesser sanctions had not been requested. The Lopez case was remanded back to the lower court for further consideration. This may alter Mr. Zalkin's strategy when he argues his motion on Friday.

    Regardless, it looks more and more as though Watchtower will have to produce the documents sought in both the Lopez and Padron cases. The more they resist, the more notoriety these cases will receive in the media.

  • wifibandit
  • cha ching
    cha ching

    Everyone should have to obey the law.

    Elders, Circuit Overseers, former District Overseers, "Guardians of Doctrine"....

    They are all citizens of the United States, and if I have to obey the "law," "the "court," so should they.

    Staying tuned!

  • smiddy

    "Everyone should obey the law."....cha ching., true my friend ,

    however the governing body has lawyers that employ theocratic warfare to find loopholes in the law that they can exploit for their benefit , there by negating a said law.

    Is that even ethical ? for a Christian religion ? or even moral ?

    A tactic that Jehovah`s Witnesses employ .

    "Theocratic Warfare ":.....


    Withholding information from one who is not entitled to know that information , such as law enforcement officers if it is not mandatory for them to have that information .

    or if opposers seek information they are not entitled to have.....Then it`s O.K. to mislead them indirectly .

    Deflecting questions while under investigation if your answer would have an adverse affect on the organization .Play dumb. { not hard to do }

    Have selective memory

    Have no memory at all of the said event..

    Play dumb again.


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