Gross! Grooming of young brothers in the KH to do more for Jehobadahhh and his organ-nigh-say-shun! I saw it myself.

by macys 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • macys
    So there is this young brother probably 14 or 15 and the elders are already grooming him to do more for Jehobadahhh. Most of the elders in this KH are old like 60+ and sometimes there are not enough brothers to do the mics or sound so you will see a 70 year old elder forced into action. Almost comical to see a brother who thinks Instagram is an email service try to operate the sound system and projector as he plays the wrong song or brings the screen down during a prayer. So now they seem to really be pushing this young kid to do more and on Sunday I overheard this one elder speaking to him trying to get him to come earlier so he can prepare to be an elder someday. Honestly I think this elder is a pedo. Us girls just know these things but whatevs. Anyways it just pisses me off to see this. The kid obviously does not want to do anything but is forced to cause of his parents and now he has the elders on him to do more for them. I hope he wakes up and moves out before he has to do anything.
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  • crazy_flickering_light

    LOL, an elder said once that JW.ORG is only an email-adress.

    I hate to operate the soundsystem. Early sunday, you be tired from the night before and miss to turn up the mic.

    But I think there is also the good point: a stupid elder try to give you work but never talk to you in an other way. So you see very early, that the main part is work not friendship. And the elders can't talk to you as a friend. They talk to you in a friendly way like a boss.

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  • steve2

    When your gender's in very, very short supply and the current body of elders are literally older men, you gotta grab the young 'uns before they slip away.

    BTW, while I agree with the OP, the hunch about an elder being a 'pedo' is a cheap shot.

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  • Divergent


    And the elders can't talk to you as a friend. They talk to you in a friendly way like a boss.

    Friendly? Not always. But I strongly agree that it is almost impossible to be close friends with elders, unless you are on the same level as them. Many elders have a superiority complex which arises from the elevated position of authority that they have, which translates into their treating the rest of the flock as lesser ones who are inferior to them. Many of the elders in my cong are critical & judgemental. I never was able to count any elder as a close friend thoughout my time as a JW. Not a single one!

  • crazy_flickering_light
    I also think, sometimes they try to sound like a friend, but they can't. Mostly only as a boss. But this is logical in my opinion. If you for example a windowcleaner and later the day can act like a big boss - you know what happens. Little minds afraid of others. But if it's your daily business to work with people, maybe be a boss, then the most know how to handle people and look that they get better. But in most cases only the windowcleaner get an elder. Until they don't change the stay-stupid-and-obey-rule, until this point there will be no change. This is also a reason that a lot of congs run inefficient, the elders not able to analize a workflow and optimize it. I should support one and it was so silly. After I change some points we reduce nearly 3/4 of the time. (After that I kicked and a MS make a big show with my work.)
  • My Name is of No Consequence
    My Name is of No Consequence

    Instagram is an email service

    It is, isn't it??

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  • macys
    Hi Steve trust a girl's instinct about this. That dude is a creep. He stares a certain way that gives me the chills.
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  • Kick50r

    Happens daily. As most boys at the time we all been there .Good thing I always smiled and waved and completely ignored them.

    I just think the observation " I think this elder is a pedo. Us girls just know these things " just discredits your OP .

    Take Care

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  • WingCommander
    Nice to see you back gurl! Still livin' the care-free life? Damn I wish I were your age.
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  • TheListener
    I agree with most of the OP but not the part about the elder being a pedo. That's not fair to say. Macys I read your bio and you have been through a lot, I'm really sorry that you lost your family and I am glad you are in a supportive place now.
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