20/20 special about scientology with a representative!

by nonjwspouse 18 Replies latest social entertainment

  • cha ching
    cha ching

    Spot on, wannaexit! Our dear, 'Monica Applegate'

    I was so happy to see an intelligent person, such as Angus Stewart, take her testimony apart, and show it for what it was with a few short questions!

  • OrphanCrow
    chaching: Spot on, wannaexit! Our dear, 'Monica Applegate'

    heehee..now you've started something

  • jaydee

    did anyone record it .....?

    Image result for video recorder.,gif

  • jaydee
  • NikL

    The term "apostate" was used a few times.

    That was nice since my very IN wife was watching with me.

    She can see how terrible it is when Scientology does these things but not her own religion so using a term apostate seemed to bring it closer to home.

    I am hoping anyway.

  • cha ching
    cha ching

    Thanks jaydee! I got to watch the end!!!

    My sister wonders why it is not loving to shun people in Scientology? but very loving from JWs?

    Do the people being shunned feel any different ?

    Do they think about it from the victim's point of view?

  • Gayle

    Thanks, Jaydee!!

  • cha ching
    cha ching

    @ 14:47, Monique, the lawyer says in regard to 'disconnection' (disfellowshipping), the "freedom to choose to leave, and the consequences"

    Monique: "of course, there are consequences in every choice we make in life"

    Sound familiar?

  • Simon

    I caught part of this, it was very good, lots of references back to the expose documentary about the Scientologists.

    They are always going to get more attention from the media because they are more whacko in their beliefs and behaviour than the witnesses who often seem more level headed than even the mormons (no magical underpants after all) and also because they have so many big-name celebrities.

    Someone who hasn't been through the shunning will never understand the grip that such religions have on people and will always view it as a peculiarity, somewhat of a morbid fascination, but unlikely something they will stand up for / put effort into stopping.

    How many of us have done anything concrete to help shunned Amish people for instance?

    The best outcome is that awareness of their behaviours and practices act as an immunization against people being recruited and joining but in many ways "there's no such thing as bad publicity" ... a group like that can use the attention to claim persecution and get more people interested.

    The best way to hurt them is through the tax laws but they have already demonstrated a willingness to fight in the mud to prevent that and unless you get some Elliot Ness type character, the system isn't set up to battle them.

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