Does that mean that blacks are too??
If Whites Are Inherently Racists.....
by minimus 46 Replies latest jw friends
It's been proven - repeatedly - by Social Justice Scientists that Black (remember to capitalize next time, min) people cannot be racists. It is impossible. They have also proven that all white (always lower case) people are racist without exception. Any white person who claims not to be racist is actually indulging in behavioral blackface and that is truly a disgusting, vile form of white supremacy.
Remember we are supposed to be so ashamed of being white, that we cant think straight and see all the racism of the other races. I tell people straight up the white race has in certain cultural and technological senses been the light of the world, but nothing is perfect here
Oprah Winfrey helped me realize that I'm more privileged than she is.
Racism is taught behaviour, as is religious belief, and the two go hand in hand quite often. Nobody is born Racist.
We are born not conscious of race or colour as being anything remarkable. We are born Atheists.
Wrong thinking, wrong feeling can be changed, unlearned. But only if the person who has learned these errors wants to change.
Racism is taught behaviour, as is religious belief, and the two go hand in hand quite often. Nobody is born Racist.
We are born not conscious of race or colour as being anything remarkable
^^^ This is debatable. If racism is taught behaviour, who taught the world's first racist?
Behaviour is a phenotype, coded for by our genes. Although behaviour has a great amount of plasticity and can be taught (some people do learn racism from their parents), behaviour also has an innate aspect - originating from the genes in people's DNA.
Humans have been 'othering' other groups of humans throughout human history. I would suggest that this behaviour is innate.
I feel racist when I do my laundry.
In my area we had nearly one foot of snow. Snow should be banned. It is racist. It is WHITE!
Tribalistic and Racist tendencies may well be innate. Racist thought that takes root and brings forth action is taught.
Anytime I see any person of any race rail against another person because of that person’s race, he or she is a racist! If I, as a white person said to any person of color that they should be ashamed of themselves because they have “colored privilege “, a riot would break out in the streets.