He has been wearing a mask. His top assistant got it and it appears spread it. So????
Does Trump Testing Positive Change Anything???
by minimus 22 Replies latest jw friends
A bit. When Trump turns out fine, it will send a message that a person in the supposed danger age can get it and it is not that big a deal. Furthermore, it will make Trump look strong. Not a good day for Biden...
It changes the minds of reasonable people regarding the the irresponsible and brash behavior and advice of a very ill informed man who regularly went on tv to downplay the Covid thing for weeks. You know what folks gotta be saying under their breath!
just saying!
Trump and his wife getting the virus should be used as exemplary model of just how contagious the virus can be and transmitted to one another.
Here is man that has obviously been under a semblance of protection yet contacted the virus indiscriminately through an assistant.
Well, not yet.
Not to his core base, but I think it does make him look a bit more vulnerable, and hurts his image. If he bounces back quickly it might on the other hand help him. We'll see.
Was looking at the stock market today and there is a bit of a slump probably because of these news.
Are we to assume this is genuine ? or will he bounce back saying " I beat Covid Bigly, more Bigly than anyone ever".
This gets him out of one Debate, gets him the sympathy Vote etc. Nothing in 2020 is as it seems, I may be an old cynic, but I am holding fire to see what happens before making a final judgement.
Too early to tell.
If Trump & the First Lady breeze through this without serious incident, huge points for Trump.
But, Trump is 74yo and kinda "fat" (tho evidently very healthy/, but age and weight are contributing issues) but the virus can quickly take a turn for the worst. Many people have felt fine for the first few days and end up on a vent. Then that's a killer for Trump. Hopefully not literally.
Here is man that has obviously been under a semblance of protection yet contacted the virus indiscriminately through an assistant.
The protection he's under is more "secret service" for direct attacks. He interacts with lots of people and it's no surprise that he has it. If anything, it shows that it's maybe less infectious than we're told if he's only just got it as I imagine he interacts with a bazillion more people than most do.
I bet Biden has gone back to his basement or his meetups with 3 people sat in distant chairs in a large garden. If I heard Biden got it I'd think it was far more serious than Trump.
kinda "fat"
Have you seen him after a golf game, without his girdle?
The dude is well north of 300 pounds.
The term you are looking for is "morbidly obese".
Age 70+, morbidly obese, COVID positive - I'd put the odds he ends up in the hospital within a week at better than 75%.