New Light Confirmed in New Book

by Stephanus 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stephanus

    In thread:

    we were informed that the Tower had changed the earthquake "sign of the times" - "they're not increasing; they're just there - and that's proof enough" is apparently the new way of looking at things. The new book Learn From The Great Teacher confirms this new light in one of its points in the chapter "How We Can Tell Armageddon Is Near" (which starts immediately after the page that shows that rather frightening picture of Armageddon that's been discussed at length here). The quote:

    (4) Jesus gave another part of the sign, saying: "There will be...earthquakes in one place after another." Do you know what an earthquake is?--Earthquakes make the ground shake under your feet. Houses fall down, and people often get killed. Since the year 1914, there have been many earthquakes every year. Have you heard about earthquakes?--
    Note the sneaky way they are not saying that there are "more" earthquakes, but that there have been "many" since the JWs' zero year of 1914...
  • Swan

    When you stop and think about it, isn't this kind of a generic prophecy? Kinda like those psychic detectives who predict the body will be found near water or trees.


  • herk

    Amazing! What a marvelous revelation!!! "Many" earthquakes every year since 1914! Why, that's almost as significant as the "many" earthquakes every year before 1914! Do you think this is the wonderful "good news" that God's prophet organization has been saying it was commissioned to preach worldwide?

  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D
    Note the sneaky way they are not saying that there are "more" earthquakes, but that there have been "many" since the JWs' zero year of 1914

    Par for course. Nothing suprises me anymore from this group of ______ ______ [fill in the blank w/fav explative]


  • IronGland
    Do you know what an earthquake is?--Earthquakes make the ground shake under your feet. Houses fall down, and people often get killed. Since the year 1914, there have been many earthquakes every year. Heave you heard about earthquakes?--

    LOL. No, i've never heard of an earthquake before.

  • stillajwexelder

    What a load of patronising doublespeak b------t (have to do that or Simon will edit me) -- the WTBTS are really losing my respect --I am getting to the stage where I do not care anymore if I am found out and declared apostate .

  • Stephanus

    They're getting dangerously close to arguing that black is white and white is black, and getting run over at a zebra crossing, IMO! (apologies to Douglas Adams...)

  • pseudoxristos
    Do you know what an earthquake is?--Earthquakes make the ground shake under your feet. Houses fall down, and people often get killed.

    Is this a childrens book?


  • Stephanus
    Is this a childrens book?

    Yes, sorry I didn't mention so - I thought most here were aware by now of the new kiddies' book assembly release.

    Here is the illustration that accompanies the above quote. Another sick pic to go with the Armageddon one, IMO!


  • caspian

    I bet that if you did a straw poll amongst JW's over 99% are not aware of the new light regarding

    earthquakes, in fact only last night a sister made a comment at the meeting about there being more earthquakes since 1914 and the Service Overseer taking the item agreed with her.

    It will be interesting to see how many bros pick it up in the new worship book.


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