Proof God Does NOT Exist

by Hadriel 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • prologos

    WtRs: "It gets us nowhere. I am glad you are right, because overall we should be happy we can stay here.

    I think cosmologists accept the fact that inside a black hole, or, at the speed of light, or in the pre-big bang & outside the universe conditions*, where there is no movement through time, our physical laws do not prevail. So what I see in the proposed model is the possibility that a creator could function without having a prior cause, or further intervening in the unfolding of creation. a deist's view without the Theos/ deism.

    * I assume that outside the universe conditions now are still as they were before our beginning, one indicator to support this is, that the expanding universe seems to absorb new, additional energy to fuel the accelerated expansion, that can not result from the inertia from the initial impetus.

  • Twitch

    As mentioned, just speculation

    Also, nothing exists outside the universe, by definition.

  • prologos
    T witch: "Also, nothing exists outside the universe, by definition. the definition is most likely true, but perhaps we are not talking about [no]things. I thought along the lines, and expanding on Dr. Roger Penrose's theories of information coming from outside our present universe. Our present understanding of the cosmos might be limited like CNN or Fox news, the rest of the planet does not seem to exist from their point of view.
  • Freeandclear
    I think we are all in the same boat here. And the boat is slowly sinking. We think, reason and can have an ideological concept of "the future" thus we must think about our own deaths and thus we created the concept of God and god forbid "purpose". The facts are no one knows. And no one can prove anything one way or the other. The only thing that is very true is that God is silent. We see injustice and suffering all around us for thousands of years or recorded history yet where is God? He's absent and silent. Draw your own conclusions from there........
  • prologos

    F&c: "--we must think about our own deaths and thus we created the concept of God and god forbid "purpose". The facts are no one knows. I am probably closer to death than most here, yet my points are strictly on the existence beyond the now expanding through time universe. The laws made our existence possible, and that is enough for me and my offspring. My insistence of feeding us caused some suffering to animals, Luck in publicity made a better invention falter, The works of creation are great enough, we need no special personal favours , which often would be granted at the expense of others, so, let's appreciate the works.

  • Dunedain

    The "concept" of "God" has come into existence thru humans being the only life on planet earth, that can contemplate its own existence. God, as we know it, came into being once humans "created" God, thru speech and contemplation of "God" itself.

    An animal, like a majestic tiger, is living, existing, and some would say, a creation of a "god". The only difference, in living terms, between us and a tiger, and any living thing, is that we are the only living thing that can contemplate that there IS a "God".

    So, if there is a God, he only exists because we can contemplate it. The tiger exists, whether there is a "God" or not, so did God create that tiger only because WE can contemplate that a God CAN create a tiger, or does the tiger exist no matter what WE think.

    Life existed BEFORE humans came into existence, but before humans came into existence the "concept" of God did NOT exist, because ONLY humans have "created", real or not, the existence of God.

    The mind blowing thing is that, WE and ALL life that WE see, IS in existence, and would be, weather WE were here to contemplate its existence. So we have to ask ourselves, "did God exist before WE ever came into existence", OR "does God ONLY exist because WE created God thru our own ability to contemplate a God".

    Think about it, lol.

  • prologos

    Dunedain: "--"does God ONLY exist because WE created God thru our own ability to contemplate a God".

    Do you not in that statement put too much importance in our egos? after all, the ALL, the universe functions just fine without our input, and do you think the universe of all things, created itself, with it's laws, energy?

    Particular gods might be human ideas, but the works in the universe are not.

  • elbib


    You handled all the questions very well--I envy your skill.

    God is not the only entity we find it difficult to give an explanation for. It is true with almost everything we know. How is it that a magnet attracts a steel (iron) needle? There is no physical link between the two, nor there is any mechanical device creating such an impact and yet the act of pull is there. More interesting, while the one end of the magnet attracts the needle, the other end repels it. Is it not strange? People with scientific outlook explain it as the inherent property of an object. Does this satisfy an inquisitive mind?

  • Lieu

    I'm going with prólogos on this one. Interesting and thoughtful replies.

    Maybe further along in time, humans will know. Romans didn't know what an atom bomb was and we don't know yet just how big the universe is and what's out there. We don't even know what's at the bottom of Earth's deepest ocean.

    One thing is certain. Humans will keep searching the universe for answers.

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