Off subject......
I remember a "special needs" talk shortly before I left the org on sisters not cutting their hair short. It was quite strong. Any sisters that did not have some length to their hair would lose privileges.
by Da.Furious 45 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Off subject......
I remember a "special needs" talk shortly before I left the org on sisters not cutting their hair short. It was quite strong. Any sisters that did not have some length to their hair would lose privileges.
She should have gone up with one of those old fashioned sandwich boards on. That's what the doomsday cult religionists used to wear.
Someone should photoshop it right ...
Why his grandma? Divorced? Were his JW family even speaking to him? Most JWs are not proud of their children who are not doing things the JW way.
That was pretty offensive-the huge pin. The little bitty version. . . at least wouldn't have been obtrusive.
That pin is so fugly!
I wonder if she told Obama that WT says he is the Leader of Satan's system. lol.
Bad form, very bad form.
But after all, we all know quite clearly she's mentally controlled by the JW.0rg cult-think.
Thankyou President Obama for honouring the young man fallen.
So this lady will wear the medal of honour to her next meeting?
Her grandson was shot to death.
Leave her the h#ll alone.
Her grandson was shot to death. Leave her the h#ll alone.
We tried to leave it alone, but she used her grandsons death to promote a vile cult with a pathetic and hypocritical religious image.