Thanks JT, your post makes alot of sense had I been the type you speak of, but I'm afraid I still feel as I did in the original post. "Jipped" "Duped" "Bamboozeled" and "Hoodwinked".......ummmm no. I'm just me still.
Do me one small favor, in fact I often ask this of folks and I ask it of you as well
Print this message out, put it into an envelope, SEAL IT, AND THEN DATE IT
put it in a drawer or file cabinet, etc and just hold on to it.
Trust me in a few months or perhaps a few years you will take this out and say :
"Damn!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JT --told me I was going to be PISSED Off, now that i fully understand how I have been Duped, Bamboozled, and Hookwink by a Book Publishing Company that Put Cheese and Cracker Men in charge of giving me Life and Death Advice under the masquarade of somehow it is connected to god and my pleasing him"
just print this out and save it PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
in fact here is my number 202-336-8792 feel free to call me here in DC anytime