I've posted data the past few months that shows the majority of jobs during the post recession era, circa 2008, have been to college grads, and especially the higher paying jobs. One of the contributing factors to poverty in the US is the sub-standard wages paid by corporations. The middle class has shrunk and lots of hard working people teeter on the brink of poverty, especially when a crisis emerges such as divorce, unemployment, and before Obamacare - health problems.
The deck, to some degree, IS stacked against certain groups of people. Having said that I will revert back to my original argument: If you don't make a lot of $, and if your job situation is such that you don't really have a pot of gold at the end of your employment rainbow, then the responsible thing to do would be to obtain more education and avoid birthing babies in the process.
If you don't control yourself someone else will. Whether by machiavellian intent or just because that's the way capitalistic markets work some times, our economy is not being kind to the middle class. One can either whine, piss, bitch and moan about it - and vote for and hope the Donald will fix it for you (yeah, right) or one can take ownership of the situation and do something about it. The coal miners in W VA and the blue collar manufacturing workers have, to a disproportionate degree, refused to do anything about it other than whine.
We want our high paying blue collar and coal jobs and we want them now.
Sorry, fools, but that's not how an economy works. Google Adam Smith.
Having said that, corporations that do not pay living wages are subsidized by the US gov., through earned income credits, low or no taxes on low wage earners, subsidized housing and food, etc. It is a broken system for certain, but flailing around as though you have no choices and everyone is out to get you will ensure that you remain exactly where your poor fat ass is right now.