Poor people are sub-human?

by Alostpuppydog 38 Replies latest jw experiences

  • The Rebel
    The Rebel

    DJS " Do you really want me to continue"

    Yes please, well maybe, O.K then NO.

    Whilst I agree with your statement " personal accountability is the strongest force in the universe" I also think it's wrong to say getting knocked up as a teen was stupid. Selfish YES, stupid NO. Because many teenagers in England got knocked up because it was good business, and required no education, but entitled the person to free housing and benefits . I blame the government for being so stupid to allow teenagers to simply get knocked up, and be set up for life. That's the pathetic point. Where was the responsible accountable behavior from the government that didn't prevent this happening? Please note governments, its my taxes that pay for your mismanagement.

  • DJS

    I've posted data the past few months that shows the majority of jobs during the post recession era, circa 2008, have been to college grads, and especially the higher paying jobs. One of the contributing factors to poverty in the US is the sub-standard wages paid by corporations. The middle class has shrunk and lots of hard working people teeter on the brink of poverty, especially when a crisis emerges such as divorce, unemployment, and before Obamacare - health problems.

    The deck, to some degree, IS stacked against certain groups of people. Having said that I will revert back to my original argument: If you don't make a lot of $, and if your job situation is such that you don't really have a pot of gold at the end of your employment rainbow, then the responsible thing to do would be to obtain more education and avoid birthing babies in the process.

    If you don't control yourself someone else will. Whether by machiavellian intent or just because that's the way capitalistic markets work some times, our economy is not being kind to the middle class. One can either whine, piss, bitch and moan about it - and vote for and hope the Donald will fix it for you (yeah, right) or one can take ownership of the situation and do something about it. The coal miners in W VA and the blue collar manufacturing workers have, to a disproportionate degree, refused to do anything about it other than whine.

    We want our high paying blue collar and coal jobs and we want them now.

    Sorry, fools, but that's not how an economy works. Google Adam Smith.

    Having said that, corporations that do not pay living wages are subsidized by the US gov., through earned income credits, low or no taxes on low wage earners, subsidized housing and food, etc. It is a broken system for certain, but flailing around as though you have no choices and everyone is out to get you will ensure that you remain exactly where your poor fat ass is right now.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Another thing to consider is why domost of the population on this planet seem to hate the poor - I don't think they do. They just refuse to indulge the poor.

    Poor people can, with effort, improve themselves.

  • DJS

    The Rebel,

    Excellent point. If you have followed my musings you will know that I am 100% opposed to letting people breed and sending them a check, which will let them to continue to breed.

    That still does not remove personal accountability from the equation; it simply means the governments are a part of the misplaced compassion. It results in the de-evolution of our species for no other reason than to keep the GDP growing on the one hand and to be fair to governments - to be compassionate to the have-nots.

    But all governments are doing, as you rightly stated, is contributing to the have-nots. Whatever in life you subsidize, enable, molly coddle, support, excuse or justify, you will get more of.

    Some of you think I'm a bleeding heart liberal; if you knew the depths of my feelings towards enabling the willfully stupid, the lazy and the irresponsible you would think I was somewhere right of the edge of the planet. Once a sufficient amount of resources are thrown at the lazy, the stupid and the irresponsible and it has had no effect, I suggest feeding them to the sharks. Or letting them die under a bridge.

  • DJS

    Besides the fact that Dog is a manipulative, holocaust denying, conspiracy theorist troll, this OP is simply more of the same. Poor little Dog. Hims can't help hims-self. Hims seems to have time, energy and resources to surf conspiracy theorist web sites and come on this site and try to spread his infection - while playing the victim and expressing his rage against the machine - but not the resources to get his lazy ass back in college or technical school and do something about his plight.

    More for your consideration:

    Personal accountability and poverty (if I have to explain the linkages between these news articles, poverty and personal accountability then I really can't help you):

    News item no. 1: Research Shows Link Between Obesity and 8 Additional Cancers, Aug. 25, 2016

    News item no. 2: Infants Dependent on Opioids Rising Faster in Rural Areas, Study Finds, Dec. 12, 2016

    Misguided compassion is the very last thing any of these fools need.

  • OneGenTwoGroups

    There's being poor in developed countries, which isn't great, but then there is being poor in poor countries, and that is where real poverty lies.

    Many people that support and have supported these forums grew up poor, myself included. I'm in the developed-country-poor category. Why? Because this cult preys on the poor and our poor parents or grandparents got sucked into this cult.

    Poverty is not only about being poor moneywise, it is also about being poor educationally. Thanks to the web, I've been able to play catch-up over the last 6 years regarding philosophy, science, and history. I knew almost nothing about these subjects until I woke up and started doing REAL research and ACTUALLY learning.

    This cult keeps people poor both not only in wealth, but also in education, which can be the vehicle that gets you out of poverty.

  • WTWizard

    I don't believe being poor is a virtue or makes one scum. If it is for bad luck or because of past-life brainwashing, they should be helped within reasonable means. I prefer helping by removing the problem at the source, usually a spiritual working to reverse brainwashings where poverty is supposed to be a virtue. Nor do I believe being rich is a sin, and only those that are parasites deserve scorn.

    But, there is another issue. They create the problem and then blame the victim. You are supposed to quit your job because you can't make one boasting session--you miss one a year or can't pious-sneer every month. You are supposed to waste your money on Worldwide Damnation Fund donations, doing field circus or going to Grand Boasting Sessions, or on stupid Israel missions. Poverty is the inevitable result. And then they go and bash people that are poor because of doing what they were told? To me, that is despicable and people that blame the victims for problems they themselves created need to be held responsible for their actions. And treated as meddlers and busybodies that need to be marked as bad association.

  • The Rebel
    The Rebel

    DJS, I think that what also results in "The de-evolution of our spices" is You-tube, Twitter & Facebook, or should I say " You" "Twit " "Face" :-)

    Does anyone agree that social media has created a sub-human culture, where we need a thousand friends, and then the need to inform people we haven't met in 20 years that our flight has been delayed 20 minutes. I think such technology and websites have created a "sub-human" who thinks he is more important than he is.

    My point is we have different types of poverty, and often our ego contributes to our personal inner poverty.

  • The Rebel
    The Rebel

    I believe in "personal accountability" and I THANK the nurses, also the people that clean my bins, and make a wonderful contribution to my life. The poor under paid people who contribute to our society often do so because they appreciate their contribution. Why should a nurse who cleans bed pans and cares about her patients, have to struggle to survive on a crappy pay check?

  • DJS

    The Rebel,

    Well stated and double dittos.

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