Good luck with that

by Lost his mind 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • OneEyedJoe

    Sounds like the phobia indoctrination (which is probably one of the most persistent parts of the cult mind control) still has a hold on him. It'd probably be worthwhile to try to expose him to information about how cult brainwashing works - once you lay bare the mechanism of the indoctrination, it loses most of its power. The books by Steve Hassan ( are really good for this purpose.

    I hope he's able to get completely free.

  • ttdtt

    Saying that obviously puts you in League with Satan the Devil!


    Next you will mention Voldemort out loud!

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    " What is the big deal when you say "good luck with that" or He just had bad luck? I have never been a JW, but what is the problem with saying these things? My husband was so mad, he went to bed and would not talk to me. ?????"

    Besides his JW understanding that "Luck" is a belief in some ungodly outside force, there is sometimes a note of sarcasm that is implied when one used the expression "good luck with that ". Sometimes that expression implies your doubt in the other persons chances for success on their own and that "good luck" is their only hope. It's almost like saying "fat chance".

    Husband: I'd like to invite my boss and all of my coworkers over for one of your famous home cooked dinners sometime.

    Wife: Oh yeah?? Well good luck with that ! (fat chance !)

    Maybe your husband felt you were doubting whatever it was you two were discussing at the moment and you were wishing him good luck as a way of telling him you weren't in agreement or weren't standing behind him.

  • out4good4
    Maybe your husband felt you were doubting whatever it was you two were discussing at the moment and you were wishing him good luck as a way of telling him you weren't in agreement or weren't standing behind him.

    Or maybe he's just being a big baby because you won't acquiesce to the language HE thinks you should be using as evidenced by his getting his panties all pissed out and giving you the silent treatment.

    I had to break my wife off this passive aggressive shit real early on my exit by making clear that I would not be trying to live by the standards of the old Brooklyn 7. JW's aren't usually happy unless they can feel as if they hold a superior moral position or if they think they are correcting everyone about anything.

  • stillin

    Try "may the mathematical probabilities be in your favor."

  • Chook

    It just another rule, imagine if Rutherford could associate the word "hello" with demons . It's really because they don't like wishing people well , sour bastards.

  • stuckinarut2

    It certainly sounds like he is captive to FOG .

    This is a classic form of religious baggage:




    Once he learns to let go of such silliness, he will start to live his REAL life.

  • Lost his mind
    Lost his mind

    I use "good luck to that" expression all of the time, sarcastically of course. I misspoke in my intro, sorry. We were watching Deadlest Catch and this one guy was having all kinds of misfortune happening to him. Hubby says the guys is on drugs. I said he is just having a run of bad luck. Then the proverbial sh*t hit the fan. He has never said anything to me when I have spouted "good luck with that". But deary me when I said " a run of bad luck".

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