New JW.Watch Website - Plans, Ideas & Submissions

by Simon 36 Replies latest forum announcements

  • Simon

    I want to create a new site to help people leaving the WTS.

    The idea is that it will be curated content of articles and videos on specific subjects such as how to fade, how to handle family, personal experiences of leaving, mistakes to avoid, plus practical life matters impacted by the WTS such as how to create or rebuild a career, planning for retirement, getting counselling, making friends etc...

    The idea is that it should be lots of voices to share the love and promote lots of people's channels so it becomes a more effective resource (hopefully there will always be something informative and appealing to the people visiting).

    If you have a YouTube channel that you would like featured, or maybe have some specific video or series that would suit, I'd be happy to include them.

    Likewise, if you have a subject you'd like to write about and can share some practical knowledge and guidance on, or have a life-story you'd like to share because your experience could benefit others, please let me know.

    I bought a domain and setup some placeholder content:

    Please message me or post here if you have any questions or ideas.

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  • Iamallcool


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  • truth_b_known

    This is a noble idea. I would like to help however I am able. There are many members here, each with their own exit story. I would imagine there is a common theme with many of our stories. Each common theme would no doubt provide a framework for a way to help someone leave the Watchtower.

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  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    Let’s start with the exit stories, including those from activists already out there. It can be a perfect place to plug their own website and/or content. I believe the exit stories are what JWs are keenly interested in especially when plotting or currently in the middle of their own. Tweet this out, and unlike other activists, solicit feedback and perhaps their idea is better than yours.

    Will there be a comment section? It might be a great idea in theory but once Lloyd and his followers get wind of this and how it’s intentionally excluding him, it’s prime bait for his trolls.

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  • Simon

    At least initially, it won't have any user-generated-content as in comments (the articles will have a submission system). It may be something that I add eventually but it inevitably ends up being something that needs to be moderated to protect against spammer and trolls. And the intention is that if someone wants to comment on a video for instance, they can do it on YouTube where all the other comments will be.

    Interesting you mention the exist stories, as we did a whole series a while back that I think were very powerful in removing the "apostates are out to get us" stigma and to show that we're real people, just like a JW who may be reading.

    See my interview + template and

    Search the site for "Interview with an apostate"



    Where are you going to find the time? Will we see less of you on this forum?

    I find you like the cool parent, where they let the kids fight it out until it gets out of control. Then you step in.

    This my my one and only ex-Jehovah Witness forum site.


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  • Simon

    Thanks, LOL

    I don't mind being the caretaker / janitor - the main thing is to try to help people who are leaving and to promote a more diverse selection of voices, so there are more alternatives.

    I think this will help people who are exiting and make for a healthier community. We need to do better so bad-actors can't prey on people.

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  • SnakesInTheTower


    Excellent idea, key word is curated.

    Not allowing comments will cut down on moderating time.

    This site was key to me leaving as a lurking PIMO elder.

    I think the exit stories should be a cornerstone.

    Snakes (Rich)

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  • Simon

    I've always thought that personal experiences are really powerful - there's a reason the WTS use them so much in literature and from the platform.

    Remember, you want to help people who have been indoctrinated to think we're out to get them. Seeing that we're just like them, have gone through the same challenges they may be going through and most importantly have come out the other side happy, living successful lives is one of the most powerful things possible.

    Just the notion that people who leave the WTS don't turn into deranged dug taking immoral crazies (well, not all of us) and that you can leave with your family intact and all be happier will knock the legs out of what they have been led to believe.

    Also, that the issues they have endured in their local congregation are not isolated or unique, it's what has happened to many many people.

    The anger-messages calling the WTS names and bad-mouthing JWs doesn't help anyone and simply plays into the WTS narrative, but it's what some who leave get their needle stuck on.

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  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog

    Maybe have a section that compares JW beliefs with traditional Christian theology. The premise doesn't have to be that the Bible is true, as I realize many are non-believers, but the concept being that JWs claim to follow only the Bible, but in reality they have unique non-Biblical major teachings. Nothing overly religious, just basic stuff that leaves an immediate impression, such as:

    - the Biblical test of a prophet, i.e. if someone says something in the name of Jehovah and it doesn't come true they're a false prophet

    - Jesus saying not to go house to house

    - Jesus saying that the signs of the last days of Jerusalem would happen "never again", precluding a second fulfillment

    - the lack of any earthly hope mentioned at all in the new testament

    - Paul not giving obedience to the men in Jerusalem that WT calls the Governing Body

    - the old testament laws that blood can be sold to foreigners, or even eaten in an emergency resulting in temporary uncleanness

    There could also be a section on past teachings like organ transplants, blood fractions, and most notably vaccines, all of which were after they were 'chosen' in 1919.

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