Jehovah's witnesses in bible prophecy
by godbless 14 Replies latest watchtower bible
Good day to all on this discussion boardI am "GodBless" and I am new to this discussion board. I live in Westmoreland, Jamaica. Many here on the Island are of Rastafarian culture where we've come to recognize God's Holy Name as"JAH." (Psalms 68:4)What I am about to say to you may surprise many here, but I am not, nor have I ever been one of Jehovah's Witnesses. In fact, I have never even seen the inside of a Kingdom Hall, or never attended a meeting before, although I have neighbors and acquIntances that are either active Jehovah's Witnesses or they are presently ex-Jehovah's Witnesses and have left the organization.What I am going to say though, may be shocking to most here, since Ihave recently come to believe Jehovah's Witnesses are God's People, but have fallen into apostasy from God.I have come to this conclusion because of their recent involvement with the United Nations as NGOs, which is in direct violation of James 4:4.Nevertheless, from my contact with some former Jehovah's Witnesses and others, and from things I have read on the net, I have come to believe Jejehovashovah God will rescue the nation, since this has been foretold to occur by way of bible prophecy. I have come to believe this just recently in fact.I realize that many here, do not believe in the bible or bible prophecy anymore, after leaving the JW Organization some time ago. But, I believe as things begin to happen shortly for all to see, great and powerful events, all of that can change quite quickly. Especially when the Almighty Himself gets involved in this situation.For example, please look with me into some key bible prophecies since I believe it will effect all Jehovah's Witnesses one way or the other, very shortly, either for good or for bad.I believe Jehovah God and Jesus Christ both are using me, to assist in that effort, to bring key prophetic information to all truth-seeking Jehovah's Witnesses in such an urgent time, when apostasy threatens to destroy the entire nation.First I believe, from the nation of Jehovah's Witnesses will come forththe promised "Male Child" of Revelation 12:5. This group will become a functioning earthly government under God's Direction on earth. (Matthew 6:10) However, as mentioned above, the DPI&NGO affiliations with the United Nations Organization, certain shortcomings of error, wickedness and sin the nation has come to be in captivity to "Babylon the Great." But first and foremost, the wayward nation must be "atoned" for through a special arrangement from God. (Daniel 9:24-27; Revelation 18:4.)However, with prayer and action, I believe together we will overcome, to God's Everlasting Glory.Thank you.GodBless -
Before you go jumping headlong into a cult, you should probably check out and There's plenty of information out there on how cults use social pressure to gain undue influence over their adherents to control and take advantage of them.
The JW religion is not, nor was it ever, "the truth" as they claim. Their being involved with the UN is a mere drop in the bucket of problems with the "religion."
neat blue dog
I believe Jehovah God and Jesus Christ both are using me
You and thousands of other crackpots from the dawn of civilization.
I'm not trying to be mean, but there's ample evidence that JWs NEVER were a special chosen people from the beginning. Like OneEyedJoe said, is a great place to start pulling the curtain back. There's nothing special back there, never has been.
I believe Jehovah God and Jesus Christ both are using me, to assist in that effort, to bring key prophetic information to all truth-seeking Jehovah's Witnesses in such an urgent time, when apostasy threatens to destroy the entire nation.
I'm sorry for being so late to the party, GodBless. I already found someone who would assist me in finding the key to prophetic information information to the all truth-seeking Jehovah's Witnesses. If for any reason he fails to deliver, I will contact you.
Our Great Leader : Dr. Bansi Gaddu
What I am going to say though, may be shocking to most here, since I
have recently come to believe Jehovah's Witnesses are God's People, but have fallen into apostasy from God.I have come to this conclusion because of their recent involvement with the United Nations as NGOs, which is in direct violation of James 4:4.
Welcome but... WTF???YOU came to this conclusion?Recent involvement?? Recent?????You clearly don't know what's already on the internet and YouTube. Maybe Jehovah and Jesus forgot to inform you... -
Someone else missing their Depakote. . .
The WTS. leaders took on that title /name but it didn't really belong to them because inherently the organization's leaders were corrupt lying and deceiving charlatans selling literature.
The JWS are witnesses or designated sales representatives to the WTS. publishing house.
The WTS has been selling a tainted commercialized version of their own Gospel , not one that adheres to the strictly to the bible or the words of Jesus Christ.
have recently come to believe Jehovah's Witnesses are God's People
Really ? perhaps some more in depth examination of the JWS might rectify that statement.
Would saying "fuck off" give you an idea of how much we care about you and your mission?
Godless, I highly recommend you start from scratch and learn about the origins of the Bible itself.
Then learn how this book from men has been used and misused again and again to promote many different paths of leaders/followers. The Bible is vague enough and as long as those who use portions of it for their agenda are not bogged down by contradictions elsewhere in it, it can be made to say anything.
Take some time to learn about Christianity being no different in origins than any of the heavily myth-laden ancient beliefs such as the cult of Mithras, Manichaeaism, followers of Isis and Horus, maybe some more. You may learn that Christianity was developed pretty much the same way and won the day when Constantine used it to solidify the empire and took the beliefs of the other beliefs along with it.