My siblings and I have been talking about the money woes. We have thrown around the idea for them to keep the preaching/pioneer arrangement to keep some busy. To increase cash flow they can institute a new tithing arrangement. Of course not under that name, since they are 'better' than christendom.
Heres a possibility. The GB will be so loving and sympathetic to the difficulty of the economy and those struggling. Bills, cost of living, getting a job, retaining a job and the like are now so difficult they have instituted 'New Light'
Preach/Pioneer as usual, these people tend to be low in funds and already don't donate much if, at all. Those working, with decent income and cash flow, aren't in the ministry as much or pioneering regularly because they are naughty and chasing the almighty dollar. Boom. They can tithe their money and still be good with God, just as good as a Pioneer. They will have any publisher count time for merely mentioning they are a JW, not eating birthday cake, not going to the xmas party, all these things will be counted as a witness and time witnessing. This will be the reason for decreases in magazine placement, RVs, and bible studies. Everyone wins.
Anythings possible right?