It looks like Joe Biden might be the next President of United States! Your thoughts?
Joe Biden or Donald Trump?
by Iamallcool 51 Replies latest jw friends
It looks like Joe Biden might be the next President of United States! - how did you come to this conclusion?
He is doing very well in the Democratic Primary!
He is doing very well in the Democratic Primary! - maybe so, but the Dems are a sh*tshow at the moment.
If Biden becomes the Dem candidate, he'll still be going against Trump later this year.
Trump is doing pretty well re current US economy. Apparently, African-Americans are benefitting from Trump's ideas, too.
And then there's the crazy stuff Democrats are talking about recently.
Doctor Who
Joe Biden? Heck, Sanders is still strong in the running for the Democratic (Socialist) nomination.
I find it interesting at what happened last night during Biden's speech. A couple of Sanders supporters rushed Biden while talking. I think this shows how far out there some (I said some you loonie left leaners) of Sanders supporters are. If Biden does win the nomination, these radicals will NOT go out and vote for Biden.
Either way, Trump wins!!!!!!!
Sanders is such a Socialist (actually, Communist in disguise) that the true Democrats will NOT vote for him. They'd rather vote for Bloomberg if they had to.
And the Sanders supports will NOT vote for Biden!! So a party divided, will NOT win the Presidency. I am frankly STUNNED that these old rich white clowns are the best the Democratic party could come up with? I thought for sure Booker would go a lot further. Butt-e-gig was at least a Veteran and young. Kinda surprised he threw in the towel so early.
Looks like 4 more years of prosperity!!!!! The Democratic left might as well pull the dirt over themselves at this point. lol
Doctor Who
I was surprised about Buttigieg myself. He probably would have been the 'best' candidate to put up against Trump out of the lot. And that isn't saying much!
I was surprised about Buttigieg myself - I think Buttigieg was the wrong type of gay for the current Democratic party.
A bit like Priti Patel being the wrong type of woman of color, here in the UK.
I think Buttigieg was the wrong type of gay for the current Democratic party.
L U H E ....
Ahhhhh .....what is the right type of gay?
Rub a Dub
what is the right type of gay? - you'll have to ask that to people like Hillary Clinton.
You'll soon get an answer.