Quote of the week....???!!!!

by termite 35 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • termite 35
    termite 35

    i'm now mentally scarred but ROFLMAO!!!!!!

    I would date Simon. Im not gay and neither is he but I think over the course of the dinner I could deprogram him and get him thinking clearly on political issues. And if that does not work he gets to be the girl.

    i'll never be able to think of Simon again wihout this quote popping in to my headThanks Terry yours...????

  • StinkyPantz


    That bothered me too LOL

  • Angharad

    SCARY !!!!

  • termite 35
    termite 35

    (((hi you two))) I just know it it'll keep me smiling all day

  • Simon

    What the *#@! ...

    It really bothers me !

    There are only a few people that I would be happy to hear saying "I wuold date Simon ..."


    ... and Terry ain't one of them !

    Glad it made you laugh though Termite55

  • teenyuck

    I'll chip in for the Chardonnay....

  • termite 35
    termite 35

    I'll sell the tickets.....

    Hell, i'll even cook, serve and wash up and make the dream come true after that remark from Simon

  • Simon

    Ah ... who can resist those three magic words:

    "I'll wash up"

    I'd still rather take someone else on a date though ! (no offense Terry, but you're not my type )

  • Simon
    Hell, i'll even cook, serve ...

    Two questions:

    How good a cook are you and do you have one of those cute waitressey outfits ?

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    Gee Simon, I didn't know you "had it in you" - yet!

    Just kidding Chap, consider it flattery. At the courts two gentlemen of the alternative persuasion flirted with me more than any women ever did in my life.

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