wt exposer makes jw's flip out in fs

by JunkYardDog 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • JunkYardDog

    I forgot my wallet and went back home to get it. I see 25 yr old jws working the door next to me. I attack shaking my head at them. they know they are going to be put to the test without me even saying a word. straight out I ask about eating the bread and the wine, then make him read jn 6;49 to 6;70 and ask him if he wants to be russerected . he goes into the 144000 and I tell him they are in heaven and what part of them (soul) is in heaven . they don't have to be braught back because the never die. i which into the ARC and molestion and how Russia banned the wt as a cult. I asked them about the wt saying that all black people will turn WHITE at the trib. these black bros. went nuts I googled blACK AND THE WT and told them to look it up for themselves.. they went wild and I backed it up with dates from wt pubs.I hit a nerve and pounded them... there was more about dates 1914b etc . they were shaken about the black teaching. JYD

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Blah, blah, blah. I'm amazed anyone still cares about this crap.



  • jookbeard

    I think one comes to the stage where you have to let it go, I generally dont really bother these days, the last quite pleasant chat I had with them was quite uncontroversial, I focused on the flood a bit of science and bid them a good day, The ARC/UN membership/The Russian ban makes such little impact on them because they are so controlled what information is fed to them and they wont really have any idea what you are talking about, I feel so little concern about them now, almost 25 years out, both parents dead and one sister still remaining in, they make so little difference in my life now.

  • The_New_Barrold_Bonds

    congrats on coming off as a totally unhinged nut job.

  • steve2

    Well JunkYardDog, you sure lived up to your name. You fired several shots and still missed your target. Do you really think it is just about cornering young JWs and vomiting all the bad stuff about their organization over them? I suspect that your rant probably convinced them that opposers are nuts.

  • Chook

    I don't see junkyard as being any less extreme in his approach compared to religious people saying the the birds of mid heaven shall eat your corpses. Some things just have to be got off your chest. Passionate people like junk dog are no different than John the Baptist getting excited.

  • stillin

    I think I would take another look at my religion if the religion had ever suggested that my skin would change color in the new world! Junkyard, if you actually had the reference to that handy for them, it would be great! Not a bad job, overall. I hope your delivery was calm. They expect non-believers to be frothing at the mouth.


  • sparrowdown

    If you go knocking on stranger's doors in an attempt to convert them you should expect to be challenged.


    JYD and I have been online friends for years..

    He`s Old School and Funny as Hell, wish I could have seen it in person.....LOL!!!..

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