Great post. I will take some time out to view the videos.
Faith to Faithless XJW event London, UK
by Fe2O3Girl 20 Replies latest jw experiences
Okay a bit confused about the couple who say they got disfelllowshipped for getting married and they don't know why. What's that all about?
They do know why but are just making the point that it's absolutely bizarre that two people, both legally divorced can get DF'ed because one of them was not scripturally divorced therefore when they got together the elders considered it an adulterous relationship.
Thanks for Posting these inspirational, encouraging Videos.
And thanks to all in the XJW community who expend so much time, and emotion, in helping those who wish to leave.
And thanks to Crixus for allowing his image to grace the O.P (The lovely cat in the O.P, he never was a JW).
Very interesting experiences and conversation. Marc and Cora were disfellowshipped for three years because they were not "free to marry". Lots of people damaged badly by JWs much more than I realised.
If Iron Girl is looking in again thanks for pointing us to it.
It was great to have been part of this event, I've already had a busy inbox from ex JWs who now want to speak out after attending or seeing these videos.
Just started watching, great event, thanks for all those involved !
... Marc and Cora were disfellowshipped for three years because they were not "free to marry"... Slimboyfat
I watched Marc and Cora's Youtube video where they discussed their disfellowshipping. They were disfellowshipped for not being 'scriptually free' to marry, albeit both were legally divorced. The JC members viewed their marriage as being 'adulterous' and they were made to wait three years before reinstatement.
The point they raised in their video is; at what point does their marriage stop being 'adulterous'? If their marriage was deemed to be 'adulterous,' then surely for as long as they are married it will always be 'adulterous'. So when does it end?
My guess is that the JC members were being vindictive and this was their golden opportunity to exercise their so called 'authority and power,' and to make 'an example' of them.
Pathetic really!
The point they raised in their video is; at what point does their marriage stop being adulterous? If their marriage was deemed to be 'adulterous,' then surely for as long as they are married it will always be 'adulterous', so when does it end?
I wondered the same.
Having looked it up I understand that the 'adulterous marriage' would continue as such up to the point of either: the death of the other mate; the other mate's re-marriage (whether consummated or not); or 'porneia' on the part of the other mate.
Although they could get reinstated before the marriage stops being an 'adulterous' one - neither party could be used for 'privileges' (including auxiliary pioneering, parts on the meeting etc, apart from 'School' items) until that time.
He may eventually give talks in the Theocratic Ministry School if his doing so would not disturb others.
What a weird clause this is, that they insert liberally throughout their rule book. It basically makes some people live at the mercy of the vindictiveness of anyone who feels "disturbed" about a fellow human being no longer being shamed.
"Oh I'm so disturbed that brother Marc is allowed to give talks when he should be sitting down feeling ashamed of himself and inferior to me."