I'd like to brainstorm something with the rest of you. This summer at the regional conventions we all know by now that a talk on shunning is going to be given. We all know what that talk will likely point to. Shunning is healthy because it keeps the congregation clean, it is reflective of loyal love shown to Jehovah, and that it is actually loving to us as "unrepentant wrongdoers". You and I know that is garbage.
I believe that most JW's still have their authentic person inside. I did, it was just covered by JW-speak. It hurts to shun other people just as it hurts to be shunned. I did it for years and it always hurt, though out of sight was out of mind until something caught my eye and pricked my authentic self. I knew that shunning wasn't loving.
So, the way I see it, you and I have an opportunity to plant a seed of love to the authentic selves that lie beneath our JW relatives exteriors. There's a soft chocolate center under that toxic candy shell. The GB is about to put another layer of toxic candy shell on top. We have a moment here to reach the center and make it so that when they hear the toxic words from the stage it just might cause them some dissonance.
My challenge is to develop something that I/we can send to our former loved ones prior to that talk that reaches their humanity within so that when the toxic message is presented, maybe, just maybe, it pricks the nerves on that authentic self underneath.
I'm picturing a letter, a VERY short letter, that shows our relatives what love really is. It can't be long because for most of us our relatives may not read anything if they know it is from us, so it has to pack a lot of punch in a few short words. I have even pictured a postcard, almost like and advertisement, something so short and with some key graphics and words that it tugs at the heart underneath the indoctrination.
Maybe a picture of a loving family enjoying a meal together, or embracing, with a message about how "noone has love greater than this, that they would die in behalf of their friends" or how their "exists a friend sticking closer than a brother" or how "love hopes all things, endures all things, never fails", etc. Something as a slogan for the campaign, something quick hitting and scriptural, with a personal message underneath that grabs them really fast and shows them the contrast between love and shunning. This is a chance to plant a seed that might just grow when the shun gun is brought out at the convention.
I'm interested in hearing your feedback. I know that it was the lack of genuine love shown that finally got me to wake up. It was healing emotionally that started my entire process. Then I allowed myself to dive into the deeper doctrinal issues, but to start it was basic humanity that woke me up. I want to take a shot at waking up others by appealing to their basic humanity. Shunning causes cognitive dissonance and if there is an opening in the toxic armor I believe that is where it lies.