Up high on my list has to be when a JW co-worker named John Fitzgerald tore into me one morning (when I was coming in late for work) for grabbing a quick piece of cake from the lunch room. Turns out, someone in this small little office had brought in the remainder of their birthday cake for folks at work to finish up eating. John was older than I and a Ministerial Servant (ooh) and felt it his responsibility to keep me on the straight and narrow. He also got me the job there, so this only exacerbated the whole JW image thing. He was appalled that I would eat a piece of birthday cake! When I told him I didn’t care, and that I didn’t notice what ‘kind of cake’ it was anyway and that I was just hungry, he became incensed. He said, " Steve, what kind of example does it set that YOU eat the birthday cake this morning while I didn’t?" I told him it wasn’t too late for him to get some if he wanted to. (jerk) He kept it up until I started to get pissed. Finally I told him I didn’t give good damn if he liked it or not and he walked away, beat red. Whata jackass he was. I wanted to pop-em’ right then and there.
However, this same guy would leave his Christmas ham (a yearly company gift) in the refrigerator well into January of each year. He referred to it as his "Bonus" ham. (I swear I’m not making this up!) I guess this way, he convinced himself it wasn’t a pagan gift! Self deluded moron. Finally people would complain and beg him to take his "Bonus" ham home and free up some space in the fridge for lunches and stuff. Everybody laughed about him behind his back for being such a "dumb-ass hypocrite". It was embarrassing for me.
It never ceases to amaze me how JW’s can condemn others, while justifying their own crap away with absolute peace of mind. And to even have kinda pious pride about it! Unbelievable.
Steve . . .