This situation in Mexico from 1943-1989 is another chapter of hypocrisy and deceit of the Governing Body.
Contrary to popular opinion of the Mexican JW's, they were never banned. They had the right to sing, pray and use the bible publicly with the condition of being registered as a religion. The problem with that was that all religious buildings and property BELONGED TO THE GOVERNMENT. So the Governing Body was willing to sacrifice prayers, singing and using the bible publicly in service in order to keep their property. Even today many Mexican JW's don't quite understand this compromise by the Governing Body. Many believe they were being persecuted by Satan and not allowed to use the bible, sing or pray. So while the world over they were calling themselves a religion and legally registered as such, that was not the case in Mexico. Where is the so called unity they boast about?!
Another issue that becomes manifest is the willingness of the Governing Body to lie to the governments. They were registered as a cultural society or just a group of people studying secular culture but NOT A RELIGION. This shows that they are more than willing to be deceitful hypocrites and scammers to get their way. The naive, brainwashed members just go along with the lies and deceit without blinking an eye.
Meanwhile they use fear, guilt and obligation to get their members to be courageous and suffer for the truth even though they themselves don't don't do it. If an individual member stops preaching or going to the meetings to support his family financially he is called materialistic and weak spiritually. Every normal JW rank and file member is pressured to seek first the Watchtower'$ interest and make sacrifices even financially and be willing to give up your assets for the "truth", but when it comes to the Governing way in hell will they do that. And BTW, don't anyone be talking about this issue or WT will DF you and take your family and friends away. Oh another point, don't call us a cult!!