Im currently reading a book called Jehovah's Witnesses: Portrait of a Contemporary Religious Movement (
The researcher is a social scientist, was never a JW, who studied with the witnesses solely to write this book. His research has been quite thorough and objective which is commendable.
He mentioned in the book how Rutherford didn't want his colporters (pioneers) giving their own sermons or bible interpretation, but instead he had them going door to door with his records. (I have some converted to mp3, they're very boring).
When Rutherford died and Knorr took over, Knorr wanted each JW to be able to preach effectively. So they done away with the records and set up training for preaching, which would eventually become the kingdom ministry school.
Isn't it strange then, that now they've effectively reverted back to Rutherfords method of referring people to a website and showing them a video on a tablet?
My theory is that Tightpants Tony has something to do with this. He reminds me very much of Rutherford. His talks lack warmth, lack humor and he constantly berates his audience rather than showing any genuine love.
It's interesting, and delightful, to see Watchtower flip-flopping once again on something they previously claimed was an improvement, the witnessing to people. Yet now the witnesses are wetting their pants in awe that their glorious GB have had "new light" from Jehovah in how to preach effectively - show them a video.
Is it right that they're going to just call on interested ones now and not offer mags?