Woo-hoo a phone number. . .can I call you too JT ?
and i fully agree time it the key, my only point was that after that time has passed and one comes to the realization and LOOK BACK at all the conversations and dialog that one has had in trying to defend wt it is almost unbelieveble that one actuallly defended wt-
when i came here to the net back on the old H20 i was a dyed in the wool SOCIETY MAN_ and after AF, Alan, JH and Norm and few of the other OLD TIMES got thru slapping me up side the head with CONCRETE DOCUMENTATION
the headache was just to much and i had to CONCEDE and sometimes i look back at the PDF files of some of our old post and i can't believe where i am now and where i was then in MY THINKING AND VIEWS OF WT
so yes with time this poster will be where we are my only suggestion was to save the post and to look back and it will make one smile to see just how much a person has really grown in thier thinking
just my 2