So while no one is actually being controlled at bethel, certain things are definitely disallowed. This is really par the course for virtually every organization on the planet.
Bobby your full of it like the religion you belong to and its very ignorant corrupt leaders.
JWs are controlled on numerous things, I made short a list just recently on another thread..
Not to associate or have close friends who are not JWS
Not to celebrate secular holidays ie. birthdays, Christmas etc.
Not to attend higher education institutions , University, College or you will be chastised
a strict dress code and hair length restrictions
no involvement in governmental affairs, office or participation
no local community involvement in sports
Carefully scrutinized to your participation in the door to door service work, hours must be handed in every month
Pushed to gave talks or Assembly participation.
Woman are socially degraded in this religion, very misogynistic, cant even hold microphones in the Kingdom Halls.
Social events such as parties are frowned upon in congregations.
You are watched as to what movies you see or what books you read.
You are constantly watched over by all other members as to what you say, if there is any opposing contradictions to the leader's established doctrines, your going to have elders question you privately.
The WTS leaders got into power and control by lying and deceiving the general public through its own published literature.