Jehovah`s Witnesses have been preaching "This Good News Of The Kingdom " for well over a hundred years ?
Well you could have fooled me.! I was a JW for 33 years preaching from D2D most of that time .
I was always following the directions of the Society as to what was to be highlighted that month and when I stop and think about it ,it was never about the good news of the Kingdom ,it was always about some other topic that was supposed to engage the householder
.I think the beginning of my awakening was when I realized that in any given street if you asked a householder what JW`s believed it was never about the "Good News of The Kingdom" that they heard it was always about the blood issue or no voting in elections and nothing else.
That was the extent of their knowledge of Jehovah`s Witnesses .
And it puzzled me ,why after all this time preaching the average householder had no idea why we were on their doorsteps unless it was to gain converts in their view.