There's a video going round twitter of a young black girl who put her hands up and started crying when she saw a white, female, police officer coming toward her.
The kid wasn't faking, it was genuine. The officer had stopped purposefully to say hello to the girl and her mother - community policing, exactly how it should be. The cop hugs the girl, it's heart-warming.
But holy crap, how terrible is the parenting if they are teaching their kids that kind of bullshit?! That the kid is afraid the white female cop is just going to shoot her, because she's been told that'd what they do!
Imagine a black boy indoctrinated with the same nonsense? It's teaching them to behave in the worse way possible and a way that may very well get them killed when they are a teen or older, because some would rightly* imagine (*based on what they have been told) that fighting the cop is what they "must do" to survive.
What idiocy.
I always wonder when you hear "as black people we have to have that conversation with them, that they shouldn't fight the cops" etc... I never got told that. Is that "white privilege" or was it maybe just that I was taught that I should not fight anyone and should be respectful to everyone I met as a matter of course?
I actually think half the black people are simply past help. They have started believing their own propaganda and the behaviors caused by the wonky beliefs will just make everything even worse. More people will die, there will be more demands for less policing, so they'll get it and then even more people will die and more places will segregate further.
Only education and information will fix this but both are predominantly in the hands of those who are contantly promoting this, so I don't hold out much hope.