The description of Trump supporters in this topic is barbaric and desperation - more pernicious, destructive/dangerous/lies but just might describe others allowing human beings living in filth/disease/excrement/rat infested, over-regulated, (dictatorship), cities, in the US. I know one 'thinks' they're an "elitist" (few are "elitist" - that's a joke but if it makes you feel as if and fiction can be fun) or a 'power couple' if on left. Hard to believe you'd put down Trump supporters and their spouses when you're showing ignorance w/regard to the base and, obviously, society and socio-economic levels, higher education. Many of us who voted for President Trump and socialize with all including conservatives don't drive pick-up trucks but actually donate trucks/vans, etc., to charities, organizations. If I recall correctly, the pick up truck class gave up on the left and fled to vote for leadership by President Trump - even many under strong unions. After all it's the conservatives (fact) that donate and provide the most to society and charities. Reality for many of us thinking we're so balanced and benevolent. President Trump is a centrist with a mammoth wave of contributors/supporters -- not just the right. Liberals/elitists should use their immense wealth and elitism (joke) doing something constructive and help the Trump 'degenerates' of society vs. wanting power, redistribution of wealth, more handouts. First help the liberal cities and their desperate plight. Pond scum/low lifers ridicule the hard-working, tax-paying, class, who work for what they have.
Thank you all for allowing the MAGA hats - truly magnanimous. I'll wear any hat, drive any car, fly any airliner, eat meat, own cows, etc., I so choose, until the dictators are in command.
More facts/evidence surfacing re/Obama's leadership - US Atty. charges Obama's boy, McCabe, with criminal charges for lying about the Hillary Clinton probe --just the tip of the iceberg re/so many above the law.