Defining terrorism - a poll

by Stan Conroy 34 Replies latest social current

  • Stan Conroy
    Stan Conroy

    Were the French partisans, who resisted the German occupation of France in WW2, terrorists?

    Yes or no.


  • Aztec

    Okay, I'll bite..why would they be considered terrorists? If they were trying to defend their home country how could anything they did be considered terrorism? I'm curious...


  • teejay


    To a large extent, defining "terrorism" these days depends on your point of view. Even older dictionaries have definitions that no longer fit current events. I like what this one says: "violence toward private citizens, public property, and political enemies promoted by a political group to achieve or maintain supremacy."

    With that in mind, were the patriots who dressed up as Native Americans and destroyed private property in the Boston Tea Party terrorists or were the British who ruled the country, and owned the tea?

    Was John Brown, who led a slave uprising in the mid-1800s in the U.S. a terrorist or were the slave owners?

    Were the Native Americans in the Old West who tried to protect their land and way of life terrorists or were the advancing cavalry troops?

    Was Saddam a terrorist or were coalition forces who launched an unprovoked attack on a sovereign nation and violated Geneva conventions by trying to kill a national leader with bombs?

    Were the people who set off the bomb outside he U.N. building in Baghdad terrorists or are the coalition forces who, for the foreseeable future, will occupy the country against the wishes of the Iraqi people?

    Like I said, defining "terrorism" depends on your point of view.

    So Stan, I'd also like to know if the French were terrorists or the Germans were? And if the French weren't, why are the Iraqis who just blew up the building considered terrorists?

  • Stan Conroy
    Stan Conroy
    Like I said, defining "terrorism" depends on your point of view.

    I agree.

    And if the French weren't, why are the Iraqis who just blew up the building considered terrorists?

    That is the million dollar question, and the whole point of this post. The US media is so quick to throw a "terrorist" label on anything that goes against US interests.

    If they were trying to defend their home country how could anything they did be considered terrorism?

    And if the Iraqi people are trying to oust their invaders, how can that be considered terrorism?

    If this were not true, then the old 60's comedy "Hogan's Heros" better be renamed "Hogan's Terrorists"


  • Englishman
    Were the French partisans, who resisted the German occupation of France in WW2, terrorists?

    Yes or no.


    Is it true that you only beat your wife on Fridays?

    Yes or no?

    See, you can't always answer a question with a yes or no.


  • teejay


    It's blatantly obvious that you don't have the "correct" worldview. It's good that I saw your thread and, as a blessed American, decide to spend a couple of my precious American time with you to help you reach the proper "understanding."

    See... we Americans are right, you know, regardless of where we are or what we are doing. The sooner you come to that realization, the happier you will be. You have to understand...

    The current U.S. Administration's dangerously arrogant position is that "America has cornered the market on patriotism." That other peoples who stand in the way of whatever the Military Action Of The Week is is a terrorist and are therefore in need of elimination if not domination. If America does it or approves of it, it must be good. If some other country or people, in its self-interest, does the same thing, well... that's often labeled terrorism.

    What the boobs in D.C. have yet to understand is a simple truth that a veteran Army Ranger of Gulf War I shared with me: the Iraqis don't want a foreign, armed force in their country. Period. It's really that simple. Go figure.

    It's beyond the imagination of some of the brains that the answer to the problem was, is, and will continue to be just that elementary. Despite the awfully mistaken idea that flowers would be thrown at the feet of the armed invaders, the Iraqis -- just like every other people -- at least want the idea that they have some control over their own destiny and find distasteful the idea of being told what to do and when to do it. As long as invaders patrol their streets in armored vehicles, break down doors of innocent people, and shoot, maim and kill innocent civilians, acts of "terror" will continue.

    That's what I think, anyway. But I could be wrong.

  • Mr. Kim
    Mr. Kim

    I guess the government already answered the question for us!

  • Hamas

    lol @ Eman.... very cunning, old man.

    I don't think these guys were terrorists, and that is a good question, Stan ! I can see where you are going with this one, interesting to read the replies.

  • Stan Conroy
    Stan Conroy


    Is it true that you only beat your wife on Fridays?

    Yes or no?

    No, I beat her on Wednesdays too.


  • Aztec

    Stan, I like the way you think. I agree!


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