Volunteer workers pushed to renounce to their social rights

by sp74bb 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • sp74bb

    Surprisingly in Spain, a large quantity of Bethel volunteers (nice to words to say workers) have received their letter telling they are not anymore required. In this country, Government obliged Bethel to give social rights such as basic social security (doctors, etc..) to the volunteers as they understand that it is a business relationship.

    All of them have been pushed to sign a letter stating they renounce to their work and then go outside Bethel with not a single right (unemployment, etc...). It is really unfortunately but silly from Bethel office to arrange it this way. Government has opened an official inspection, I will be glad to see what they find :)

  • Mephis

    They did this before in Spain, didn't they? When they closed down printing there?

    They're a disgrace of a printing company. They want all the benefits wider society provide but refuse to acknowledge any social responsibility themselves.

    Hope the letter gets leaked. Hope it wakes up a few too.

  • sp74bb

    They did it a few times Mephis, but this one it is quite different.

    Government found years ago that JW full time servants are not included on the usual religious workers social security scheme... Quite unpleasant and costly for Spain branch :(

    They had the right to claim, but nobody looks ready for this...

  • Hecce

    An EX JWs attorney have offered in public their free help and not a single one of the Bethel workers have come forward.

    Sheeps to the slaughter house

  • LevelThePlayingField
    sp - keep us up to date please.
  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane
    ... and the Spain bethelites get fooled again.
  • Diogenesister
    hey're a disgrace of a printing company. They want all the benefits wider society provide but refuse to acknowledge any social responsibility themselves.

    THIS ^^^^ sums up their whole attitude to everything - from donated blood fractions to human rights law when it benefits the org

  • Vidiot

    Jeezus, it's like they're not even trying to look like a benign religion...

  • sir82

    Is the WTS really that stupid?

    Did they really expect that not a single one of those 100's who were let go, and coerced to sign the document, would inform the Spanish government?

    I've known a few Spaniards....I can't picture any of them docilely rolling over and accepting such an arrangement.

  • Vidiot

    xx"No good.. I've known too many Spaniards."

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