Jehovah`s Witnesses an Old Testament Religion

by smiddy 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • smiddy

    Jehovah`s Witnesses claim to be a Christian Religion , however looking at their history , publications ,such as the Watchtower and Awake mags., their Conventions ,International ,regional ,Local ,etc.their books pamphlets ,brochures ,etc.etc. you are hard pressed to find references to the New Testament and references to Jesus and his ministry .

    They seem to be more focused on the Old Testament , and the GOD of the old testament.Jehovah

    Even in their Dramas at Conventions , international and local events they are pre-occupied with Old Testament accounts and experiences , and not Christian experiences , examples or ,lives to emulate .

    They claim to be a Christian Religion and very seldom do they highlight the name of JESUS , or his teachings , they are fixed on the Old Testament name of Jehovah , and what he did in the Old Testament. Jehovah a name Christendom invented.around the thirteenth Century., and J.W.`s adopted for their religion.

    The general feeling is the old testament GOD is a bloodthirsty God of war, an avenging God.

    The general feeling in the New testament of Jesus is a God of love and forgiveness .

    And Jehovah`s Witnesses choose to back the GOD of the Old Testament against JESUS


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  • Heartsafire

    Smiddy, I too have always been baffled by the unyielding hyper-focus on OT especially when it comes to Jewish laws that somehow correspond with what WT wants people to do.

    Years ago I began to wonder why we never talked about worshipping Christ if we claim to be Christians. I read in the now out of print reasoning book that it is okay to worship Christ, yet that point is never discussed from the KH platform in depth, but of course, Jesus is just an angel, remember? Ugh.

    The org is neither Christian nor following Jewish law as it was intended to be followed. It's a weird conglomeration of a controlling business that poses as religion and interprets scripture however the GB wishes.

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  • crazy_flickering_light

    The old testament based on fear, death and a leader on earth.

    The new testament based on love, brotherhood and a leader in heaven who give you not much rules.

    So, if you try to build up a hi-control pseudo-religion, based on fear, you have to use the old testament.

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  • zeb
    I too have wondered this over the years. CFL you have it in one.
  • stillin
    Of course, the defense of this stance regarding "keeping Jehovah first" is grounded in the EXAMPLE of Jesus Christ. But they cherry-pick around Jeaus' life and ministry to the extent that he becomes a very distant second -placer, almost irrelevant.
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  • Morning Warship
    Morning Warship
    It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that the OT and the NT were written by two completely different groups of people. Either that or Jehovah and Jesus are psychopaths.
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    The WTBTS doesn't even believe in using the terms "Old Testament" and "New Testament." They have written specific articles about why saying "New Testament" stems from "False Religion." ( The same Commentaries which provide the GB with much of their nu-light. )

    They love the Tabernacle/Temple/Mosaic Law system so much, that they would go back in time if they could. When the Bible speaks of people who prefer the Law over God's Grace, ( not "undeserved kindness" ) it's speaking of religions like JWs. Organized, Legalistic, misogynist, vengeful, self-loathing, insular religions dream of the Old Testament every night, wondering how they can re-create the Communist State of ancient Israel.


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  • nowwhat?
    That's why I was pleasently surprised they had the imitate Jesus convention last year. Now they are back to loyalty to Jehovah (GB) for this year.

    "Imitate Jesus" was just for show. They wanted say, "See? We're Xians! We made one Jesus movie, starring Jesus Van Der Beek, and it only took 100 years to produce it!"

    Now it's time for the R&F to STFU, contribute and worship the SLAVE.


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  • LoveUniHateExams

    Members of the GB following Jesus?

    Evidently, the GB is better than Jesus.


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