Fink: and I bet you also predicted he would lose the election. So, when
it comes to predicting the outcome of Trump's efforts, your track record
wouldn't be what I would call stellar, would it?
Yes your right I didn't think he would win, so did most people.
Its not to say that some of his ideas are not without merit but wow some are way off the wall, like expecting Congress is going to pass a Bill approving a 1 Trillion dollar infrastructure improvement plan or a functionally redundant structured wall all along the US and Mexico border.
Maybe Trump doesn't think devious Mexicans don't know what a ladder is or don't know how to build a tunnel ?
You have to admit when someone who has never been involved in governmental service all throughout his adult career and suddenly puts himself in a high level position that also greatly influences the people who are set subservient to him, doesn't create a great amount of optimism.
Trump holds to the concept that if a person has become successfully rich in the private sector, that therefore they should be proficiently effective in governmental civil service and he pretty much perceives himself along that same line of thought.
He proclaimed he's a very smart guy and that he's also super wealthy, therefore the public should rest trust and confidence in his abilities.
Well so far his track record isn't so good, will see what he accomplishes in a year or two.