The WTBTS is not the only cult , or High Control group. You might find Religion News Blog interesting. It lists all latest news items, religion-related. I found out, here, about some of the other high-control groups out there. Where the WTBTS may be unique is in their size and staying power. They are so much a part of our cultural landscape, it is hard to conceive that these spit-and-polish, neatly dressed pavement stumpers are part of a cult.
Not every religion is high-control. What really hit home for me, is that orthodox Christianity only requires members to agree on a set of core beliefs. If members do not believe these core beliefs, they are not Christian. (look under Orthodox). On the other hand, a member of the WTBTS must believe ALL doctrines held by the society, no matter how small. Disbelieving any of these doctrines, no matter how petty (head covering, eating blood sausage) can lead to reproof, or even charges of apostacy. Besides, disbelieve any doctrine in an orthodox church you want. You won't be turned away or shunned.
The Mennonites/Hutterites are a closed community like the Jehovah's Witnesses. They differ in other respects.
This link is a fun poke at the "faith industry"
Quoted from that site:
- The Witnesses believe that so called world powers, politicians and other religious organisations are the allies of Satan whether they know it or not - and most people would agree.
- They do not like the idea of military service, saluting the flag of any nation or receiving blood transfusions - which again strikes a sympathetic chord.
- But they do like the idea of knocking on doors and giving away magazines full of quotes and biblical references in exchange for a donation or a conversion - which most people hate.