Just to be clear: this is not Pete's story. He posted it as an example of people finding freedom.
Who says the Pandemic didn't wake up a lot of people!
by pistolpete 39 Replies latest jw experiences
Exactly, no one was promoting a specific way of getting out of the Org, The point was that the pandemic allowed the family time to reflect, it's a good news story.
Disillusioned JW, perhaps your mom would listen to Bridget from AZ YouTube? Try anyway. She’s excellent.
We have to remember that once we're in the dubbies, every moment of every day is pretty well mapped out for us by the WT society.There's no choices. We were told how we had to behave. Witnesses are obsessed by behaviour, even to the extent of how we were to dance, what clothes we could wear, who we could associate with, who we could marry, what we could eat, what entertainment was acceptable, how much time we spent associating, the list goes on and on. Little wonder that when a born-in leaves the JW's, he often goes off the rails. There is no inner sense of morality as all so called morals are those that have been drummed in, no normal gradual maturation has been allowed to take place. Leaving is a hard and painful road, not, IMHO, dissimilar to that of drug addict struggling to kick the habit.
Yes, I don’t think people noticed that.
I am glad the person quoted in the OP PistolPete’s story landed on their feet. I was older when I ‘Faded’ and at least had a pre-JW life.. Even then it was emotionally rocky for a while.. I can only imagine how difficult it would be for somebody raised in the religion that knows nothing else!..It is a shock!
Anyway, it is nice to know that the pandemic has opened the eyes of many JWs.
I view the Watchtower as a investment firm who offers billions if invest you're life savings to them to invest. But when it comes time for the dividends to be cashed. The check is worthless.
I remember reading somewhere about the analogy you mentioned. Hypothetical person/persons invest their life and their time (the most valuable thing they possess whether they realize it or not).
These persons would expect a ‘payout’ (the promised ‘paradise earth’, and all the pretty perks: bodies growing to perfection, resurrection of dead loved ones).. They are led to believe they wouldn’t need to think about things normal people do like getting good jobs and preparing for retirement.. They are told ‘Armageddon’ will come so there are no worries if they have ‘faith’.. However, their retirement age arrived first and they are unprepared! Some Do end up dying.. So, did these people get the payout they expected.. Or did they get play money??
Disillusioned JW
Thanks Diogenesister for mentioning that "this is not Pete's story. He posted it as an example of people finding freedom." I must have barely paid attention to the first part of pistolpete's post where he said his post is of an example of a family's experiences. I probably didn't notice that because I was focused on reading what he said in regards to a particular comment I read about his post.
I agree that the post includes a good news story.
Re families the WT stated a few years ago:
"Today, Jehovah does not immediately execute those who violate his laws. He lovingly gives them an opportunity to repent from their unrighteous works. How would Jehovah feel, though, if the parents of an unrepentant wrongdoer kept putting Him to the test by having unnecessary association with their disfellowshipped son or daughter?"
stan livedeath
god seems rather good at executing people.