From New Book: "Get Used To It, Kid - It's Your Life From Now On!"

by Stephanus 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stephanus

    In the new Kid's book, Learn From The Great Teacher, the chapter "What Is God's kingdom? How To Show We Want It" has a very interesting cluster of pictures down the side of page 237, showing the Dub kid his duties regarding the "preaching work":


    IMO the bottom one is the worst - little Dubby Timmy can't go over to play with little Tommy unless he takes his big ol' book of Dub stuff with him and wields it like a shield against Tommy's wordly influence!

  • Hamas

    Those mindless animals on the right really stand no chance against those army men on the left.

    ... Where is the guy that reached out to touch the ark but God struck him dead for doing so ? lol !

  • Stephanus

    I thought at first that because there were army type toys there that they must be playing at Tommy's house and Timmy's whipped out his "sword of the Spirit" (his handy "bible aids" from the WBTS), but now that you point it out, they're obviously "playing" Noah's Ark. And doesn't little Tommy just look enthralled by it all??

  • Hamas

    lol !

    It also seems like 2 mini versions of George Bush and Colin Powell playing army games !

  • Stephanus

    Do you get the feeling that kids are being told that their Dub life is going to be harder than that of their parents? Look at the sequence of pictures: not only are they to go out in FS like good Dubs, but they've got to preach at lubchtime in the school playground and after school while "playing" with worldly friends. There's obviously an expectation of more than 10 hours per month from our little Timmy, as depicted here!

  • Stephanus
    It also seems like 2 mini versions of George Bush and Colin Powell playing army games !

    Don't worry, Hamas, it's obvious from the pic that the army dudes are headed for a watery date with Sheol - they're the wordly guys who didn't listen to Noah, and symbolically, they represent Tommy if he doesn't listen to Timmy!

  • Hamas

    lol ... JW logic worked out in one there Stephanus !

    They reckon they have an answer and symbolism for everything !

    These pictures make me sick. The more I see of this book, the more I am disgusted. Mind control more than ever. Look at that top pic... you could almost imagine the guy telling his son,

    'Say anything and I will hurt you' !

    I'm sorry, but that guy takes the roll of a typical child molesting scumbag.

  • RunningMan

    I don't see any dinosaurs getting on the ark. Oh no! God seems to have forgotten them. Timmy, quick, put some dinosaurs on the ark before God destroys them all !

    And where are the unicorns?

  • Stephanus

    Well spotted, Hamas! "Timmy" has a darker complexion and dark hair while the bloke he's with is paler - possibly not his father as I at first thought (remember, Dub pics of paradise NEVER show mixed-race couples). Now they've got Timmy alone in the FS with a man possibly not his father - what kind of a message is THAT sending??

    Actually, the bloke has an insufferably smug expression - the Dub expression of "That's my boy!", perhaps?

  • Hamas

    You are right.

    I don't know how they do it, but they always manage to add the pompus swine on their publications.... ugh !

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