So Sherri and Sacha stepped in.
Aren’t these the two who went out of pocket for $15K AUD to support Lloyd and family’s trip to Australia? I had always assumed it was but have no first hand knowledge. I understand if this is private and can’t be confirmed in public.
I bet he'd respond promptly if someone who left was successful & wealthy and looking for ways to spend their money on exJW "activism".
I remember during the AAWA launch how “nice Lloyd” made his first ever appearance. Little known fact: this forum was initially VERY supportive of him and AAWA upon launch. You could tell he was in a state of bliss and was just feeding off the positive energy. He was also making all these plans, even promising to make his long promised first appearance at the annual Tahoe meetup, saying barely disguised things like “if things end up like I foresee”. Meaning of course if he were given the salary he expected and his travel round the world were compensated.
Anyway, nice Lloyd lasted for about as long as his AAWA payday hopes lasted. Probably a few weeks. He was answering any and all questions addressed to him, inviting people to email him and answering PMs. He didn’t step in and start any of the usual fights.
Once this site started calling the grift out and the doxxing scandal, he never let his displeasure go, taking cheap shots at the site owner and other prominent posters. Called us a “peanut gallery” and an “anti-activist forum”.