I have long maintained that if the WTBS disappeared a sizable portion of Witnesses would just join some other group that would be happy to tell them what to think.
Back in 1988 when I was leaving I read a book called "Apostles of Denial" by Edmond Gruss. His basic theme is that JW's defined themselves by what they are not, and what they do not believe. "No trinity, no hell fire, no holidays" etc. He said if other religions all disappeared JW's would be unable to describe theirs.
I think we are seeing a mashup of these two lines of thought. Those leaving the Watchtower are finding a community that defines itself by what it isn't. We aren't the Watctower!!! We don't do what the Watchtower says, even if we'd be better off if we did!!! (Note: I don't know what that might be, but the super x-dubs will be proud of not doing it.)
I see this trend among those still listening to Lloyd, I see it on Reddit, I've seen it here, although it gets shot down pretty quickly. Personally, I'm not going to be defined by what I'm not.