Jesus relates the parable of the "Cunning Croatian". A man was robbed by thieves and left for dead on the road to Jericho. Two Levites pass and do nothing. Lloyd Evans passes and takes note of the sad scene. Seeing an opportunity to fundraise, he takes out his smartphone and tweets out graphic pics of the man suffering on the side of the road:
"It really angers me when robbers beat a man and there is no justice! I am utterly ashamed of humanity! I'd help him myself, but I have no money because of the defamation campaign and the need to purchase filming equipment. Will you help?"
Lloyd gets 30,000 shekels wired to his Paypal account from concerned supporters. He then takes the man to the Jericho Motel 6, bandages him himself, and has Tiborus film his new documentary: "The Jericho Escape". He leaves the wounded man with some bottled water and Cheetos and promises to check up in a week with a followup documentary. Lloyd and Tiborus check into the Jericho Royal Hilton and enjoy excursions to the Dead Sea for a mental health break since this experience has left them so traumatised.