It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars

by Newly Enlightened 11530 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Toblerone5

    Last day of august.

  • DerekMoors
    Last day of august.

    And he lost another one overnight, he's at 484 right now. Have a good weekend LLoyd LOL!

  • Toblerone5

    What I'm curious to see in September, yes how many Patreon leave, especially after that leak patrons post of him with all those bogus excuses, but also what will happen with the Croatia court strike, that did started in May, so 4 month now. Come on ,I know it's a small country but by now ,they must have some legal stuff that must have accumulated . The goverment will have to do something eventually ,to resolve this ,right?

    Is it just me ,but he's not very actif on social media lately. Why do I have a feeling, either he's rushing to make a bunch of videos so he can take a break in sept for his birthday ,you know holiday number 4 ...or he's still on is back from holiday break ,doing lots and lots of entertainment stuff...

    That's what happened ,I guess, when you don't have a job, no more kids or a wife to worry about , newly single all the time to mingle , and people are giving you money for what again ?

  • TonusOH

    I'm curious to see if he skips any Patreon rewards in September. Once you lose the passion for something, it gets tougher and tougher to do it, and at some point you can't even do the minimum needed without feeling heavy stress. If he really skipped all of the activities that he promised his paying supporters in August -while posting pictures of his vacation, no less- that's not a minor thing. It could be a sign that he is struggling to stay interested in what he is doing.

    And part of that could be that he does not have the staff around to do some/most of the work. Having to do it himself requires more time and energy. And he must feel some loss of prestige, that instead of having his 'team' he now has to do a lot of the 'grunt work' himself. Once you start down that slope, it can be extremely difficult to avoid a crash.

  • Toblerone5
    he now has to do a lot of the 'grunt work' himself.

    Funny you say that TonusOH, back in june I saw on the GOV.UK find a compagny update ,that the 27 of june he got a notice ,you can see it on the PDF file , that his compagny (JLE publishing LTD) was going to be stuck off the register and dissolve ? Then also june 27 there is another PDF, that say :Confirmation statement made on 3 April 2023 with updates ,my guess he file the papers at the last minutes ? Then june 28 PDF saying Compulsion strike-off action has been discontinued

    At the time I didn't wrote about this ,cause really who cares, but your post made me think of it , maybe his wife used to take care of this , or it was him and he forgot? He's so busy and funny he was in the UK at the beginning of june . Wasn't that a compagny he had with is Dad ? the one that is "shunning him"?
  • DerekMoors
    Come on ,I know it's a small country but by now ,they must have some legal stuff that must have accumulated . The goverment will have to do something eventually ,to resolve this ,right?

    From all the news I gather, the strike is still ongoing. The attorney also has $200 in escrow waiting for her, for when she downloads the documents so I'm sure she's eager for it to resolve as well.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    back in june I saw on the GOV.UK find a compagny update ,that the 27 of june he got a notice ,you can see it on the PDF file , that his compagny (JLE publishing LTD) was going to be stuck off the register and dissolve ?

    The papers he did eventually file show some shady accounting tricks. 2021 shows company assets exceeding £15K, but in 2022 this was reduced to £6,410. Now look at the "creditors". This is where he takes the loss. £12K in 2021, showing him with a profit of only £568 in what was a good year. 2022's report says his company is over £10K in debt to unnamed creditors. Might one of these creditors be Ipsilon Media and this was a way to get his UK book sale money safely into Croatia to avoid a UK tax burden?

    Also notice the personal loan he took out in the amount of over £3K both years.

  • ForeverAlone
    It could be a sign that he is struggling to stay interested in what he is doing.

    I don't know about you but if I was still doing videos on a religion that I left over 10 years ago I would have burnt out years ago. This I feel has happened to Lloyd and I don't blame him at all. However, he does have the obligation to his patrons to put these videos out as long as he is taking their money.

  • DerekMoors

    His YouTube channel is just getting worse, most videos hover at 3-4 thousand views and only a small handful get more than that. Even ones that are a few months old don't seem to go over the 5K mark other than the phone calls and broadcasting rebuttals. Those are also dropping steadily (May 2022 broadcasting rebuttal, 37K views; May 2023, 24K views).

  • WingCommander

    This has all been foretold in Revelations:

    The Wild Beast (Cedar's untamed penis)

    The 7 Trumpet Blasts (each of Cedar's trips to Thailand, where he got his horn blown)

    Stars falling from the sky. (Cedars forced to sell donated BMW, and move to a pauper flat)

    The King of the North unmasked, with people following after him (Cedars caught, tearful confession video, dumbass people still giving him money)

    The gnashing of teeth, and the fisting of Tibor......errrr.....interview of Tibor. (Cedars needs more money!)

    The cries of the pregnant woman (Djina's leaked letter to Cedars summed up: "You're a narcissistic PIG!")

    The Four Horseman (seven or eight being sued)

    The Serpent being hurled into the Abyss forever and ever: (Cedars Patreon account drying up, never to return to it's full glory)

    King takes His thrown: (new YouTuber's filling in the Cedars void and doing an even better job by not boring the shit out of everyone with monotonous dialogue)

    The End.

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