It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars

by Newly Enlightened 11530 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    How long until Tibor does a tell-all video or forum post
    Tibor is welcome to. Especially if there is a dispute regarding pay.

    It always smells better outside Jabba the Hutt’s palace than inside it.

  • Diogenesister
    What is that thing about Mark O'Donnel not trusting is comp. accountant ? what ?

    What a load of horse shit he spouts! He also fails to state that he had only just offered to pay mark $100 and that was to cover his extensive travel costs!! He tries to make out Mark is some type of xenophobe rather than the truth....that Mark - quite rightly - feels uncomfortable making money from reporting on victims of child rape!!

  • Thisismein1972
    what did you wrote

    I know. Dating a protitute in one of the most traficked countries in the world is something we all could do, it is so easy to slip up when we feel vulnerable when our partners do not except our open marriage proposal. I know my wife did, and she let me go to Thailand too. She is such an understanding wife, so much so she accepted me back with open arms. I showed her the pictures of the girls I had been with, and we both laughed, we also showed the kids, and they laughed too. What the hell is the big deal.

  • ForeverAlone
    How long until Tibor does a tell-all video or forum post?

    He probably had Tibor sign a gag order. I would not be surprised if he did this.

    OMG!! I never saw that video coming! If he was trying to get people to donate to him, this is not going to cut it. This video will lose him lots and lots of supporters. I guess he is trying anything to get and keep patrons. He is probably thinking that the truth will set him free because in his mind he has done nothing wrong so surly if he tell the truth they will come in droves. Unfortunately for him the truth is way worse than just obfuscating the truth.

    I have a feeling this is where he will most likely lose it all guys.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    I’ve finally watched the entire video. I’ve seen this man and how he behaves for almost as long as he’s been out. Never have I seen him more bitter and angry than in this video. It’s highly likely he edited out his more testy rants. Contrary to what I was led to believe at first, this man isn’t leaving. If anyone believes that, someone here was selling iceberg chips from Antarctica.

    Money - He’s quite proud of how much he has funded. He mentions the amount of patrons and the “tens of thousands” in the Ipsilon coffers as higher than any exJW has attained. He even implies that Mark O’Donnell has hundreds waiting for him if he just gives his tax ID to Lloyd‘s accountant.

    Jake - He spent an inordinate amount of time on Jake and he would have done himself well to cut down his Jake clips for reasons of pacing. It got boring and the video slogged down at that point. Why single out Jake? His video was one of the better ones and brutally honest, not to mention actually fair to Lloyd on many points. He wanted to point to Jake’s confession video and selectively edit it to make it sound like he should have defended Lloyd. Which if you watched that entire video, you’d know how different in tone it was to anything Lloyd confessed to.

    Which brings me to the point of this post. Lloyd, I have a confession to make. Remember in your Things Are Bad video where you make mention of the owner of a wine bar you frequent telling you someone informed them they should not associate with you? That’s not factually correct and I think you purposely misrepresented that. When I was corresponding with Irena I made it clear that she should know the background of the people she allows to organise open mic events at her establishment.

    I told her that you informed the world you had no mastery of your penis and this might be of concern for her female patrons.

    Along with your livestream, I gave her the link to Jake’s video. I also told her that your friends, especially if they might be female, might be interested in the content.

    I’m afraid that might be why your friends knew about and watched Jake’s video.

    People come and go, but the truth always shines through.

    You have my confession. Tell Irena she’s welcome if you bump into her.

    In vino veritas


  • pr0ner

    The best/worst part of his video is his insistance on "dating" a sex worker. First and foremost why does the world need to know she is a sex worker? Why couldn't he just claim he dated a woman there? So either he wants to brag that he is such a big man he can pull a sex worker or its a lie. Either way it makes him look worse.

    The other side and which is also really really dumb is in his confession video he claimed he only saw sex workers for sex and never "cheated" on his wife. So right here we have a bold face lie. This is why if he went a legit legal route his case would torpedo. Especially if it was in front of a jury. You just know he would demand to take the stand and get totally wrecked ok cross.

  • slimboyfat

    He’s decided to save himself some money by firing his remaining employee after sacking his wife a few months ago. It will save him money but it also means he’ll have to do the menial tasks of running his YouTube channel himself. That will be tough, but he might try to rope people into doing it for free. In fact maybe he’s already got that lined up.

    Basically he plans to stop the “life saving” JW rebuttals and will make general videos and interviews that he finds less tedious instead, leeching further off the MythVision channel. He still expects his patrons to send him their money, if at a reduced level, in other words to spin this out for as long as he can. A major hurdle that his ego prevents him from seeing is that outside of Watchtower he doesn’t have anything interesting to say.

    There is no need or reason to close his media company other than to hide how much money he has from others and probably from his ex-wife.


    I honestly think tibor resigned. I absolutely do not believe that lloyd would fire Tibor unless Tibor expressed an opinion that lloyd took offense to.

  • Thisismein1972
    I honestly thing tibor resigned

    Now that could be closer to the truth. It could explain why he's preemptively trying to discourage people to contact tibor and why he said that tibor did not know about his latest rant.

  • Thisismein1972

    Just saw this on Twitter, well I couldn't give this a pass.

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