Lloyd Evans says that the video wasn't one he wanted to make because of 'meh, privacy!'
He then makes a video about that very topic ... which lasts 1 hour and 39 minutes.
by Newly Enlightened 11530 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Lloyd Evans says that the video wasn't one he wanted to make because of 'meh, privacy!'
He then makes a video about that very topic ... which lasts 1 hour and 39 minutes.
Yh that was a head-scratcher for me. If he's adamant that its no ones business why make a YouTube video about it at all?It was like watching the Prince Andrew interview - cringe!!Lloyd Evans says that the video wasn't one he wanted to make because of 'meh, privacy!'
He then makes a video about that very topic ... which lasts 1 hour and 39 minutes.
Meet the new boss
Same as the old boss.
I don't know about Croatia or the UK, but in the United States its against the law (Title 18, section 2423 if anybody wants to check my homework) to travel to a foreign country to engage in sex practices illegal in the United States. It is possible that Evans' legal problems are just starting.
Jeff, I can answer that for you but you need to be aware that English Law and Scottish Law are different and there is no such thing as UK law. A bit like EU law where signatories sign up to it, or part of it or not at all, the United Kingdom is somewhat similar with the nations in the union.
According to the CPS (Crown Prosecution Service) it is an offence to persist loitering for the purpose of prostituition. You can read all of it here.
Some of his financial dealings would certainly get the attention of the IRS. Again, I don't know about the UK
Again not as clear cut because I have no idea what it is you are referring to with his financial dealings. Is it income tax?
You can find what you are looking for as all the legislation is there for public consumption.
Lastly I make no bones about my dealings with Lloyd. I find the guy to be like marmite. You either love him or can't stand him. I fall into the latter category simply because, when I agreed with him, he was friendly. When I had a difference of opinion, critqued his work on the CSA video he did, highlighting Panorama Suffer the Little Children (BBC 2002) of which I took part in anonymously in 2002 - he stated and I quote "Well it can't be that bad. Have some empathy for the victims"!
As a survivor of that abuse I was shocked at the level of contempt he had for me after using the segments of the documentary that I was party to. I stopped watching his stuff since then and heard from many other activists around about the same time that they too had been bullied by him. Everytime I hear or read his name now, a boiling rage and a bad taste is left in my mouth because I was hurt so badly by his comment to me. It was not supportive in the slightest.
My critical feedback of that video started with words to the effect of it being good and I really hope many watch it, but, the spinning around made me feel sick as I do have motion sickness (which is why I can never play VR games or watch anything that can trigger it) and my suggestion was to put that in the beginning of the video for people who have that problem.
As far as this whole Thailand fiasco goes, the only thing we all really want to know is, was it between two legally consenting adults. Because prostitution of minors in Thailand is rife. 7.1 million people in poverty and many young girls and possibly boys as well, being forced into this due to financial problems. Regardless, I will still never watch another video from him again, put money into his pot at all because of the way I was treated by him. The only people I am concerned about is his wife and kids.
If Watchtower or JW lurkers are reading, we are not all sexually deviant as Lloyd has insinuated. Many of us have left and continue to lead pretty moral lives regardless of being in Watchtower or not. The "worldly" people are not all drug addicts, sexually immoral, drunkards etc, as Watchtower insinuates.
A few comments on Lloyd's YT video sympathizing with him:
"You’re not a bad person, you’re human like the rest of us."
"I have just listened to this again and my heart goes out to Lloyd. One thing that it clearly shows is how much damage watchtower does to one's mind. They need to be held account."
"Nobody is perfect. Everyone make mistakes. We all know Watchtower mess up people's minds."
"Contrary to what the WT hides (pedophiles) lies, scandals, false dogmas etc....You are a real man owning up to your mistakes, which You Don't have to do"
"The nice thing about no longer being a JW is you don’t owe anyone any explanations about your actions as an adult."
"Lloyd you are an honest, brilliant person who is human & has made mistakes. Thank you for sharing your truth, even though it was terrible you had to share such personal details."
4 pages of comments...seriously ???, And one more self righteous than the next....the mob mentality taking place here is textbook...Geeez...let go of your pearls ladies and give it a rest.
The reality is that we are all hurt by this. First and foremost, we all very deeply care about activism against the leaders of the Jehovah’s Witnesses. They inflict harm through their teachings and they show a phony morality that alters based on what’s in it for them. And now, one of our most popular, well mannered, well articulated online activists has shown to be as phony as they are. He was chastising the Jehovah’s Witnesses for their permissiveness towards sexual abuse while providing funds (by paying for prostitution) to criminal organizations that directly abuse many more children and women.
We are all hurt by this. I spend the entire day yesterday thinking about it and I’m still on this page this morning. It hurts. Lloyd’s actions have hurt his family, his friends and the entire EX-JW community which I’ve been a part of for the last 15 years.
And we’re not supposed to talk about it???
All this talking, this expression of our feelings, emotions, trying to understand what the hell just happened, this isn’t us being “hatters”. We’ve been betrayed by a guy who claimed that one of the most important things in his life was to help this community.
Believe it or not, if I happened to see Lloyd in a restaurant, I wouldn’t mind having a beer with him and talk about the “good times” when he was doing so well. I don’t harbor hate towards this guy. Shunning is something the JWs do and to which I am very much opposed. But there is NO WAY he can keep representing any of us with what he did. Anything he tries to do to help the EX-JW community will fall back on how phony he’s been for several years and will result in discrediting him and the cause he’s trying to push forward.
That doesn’t mean there is no redemption for Lloyd. There are men who did very bad things to their first wives, learned from their mistakes, and became good husbands to their second wives. Lets hope he’s learn from his mistakes and do better with his next marriage and social causes. Regardless, he can no longer represent our community.
If Watchtower or JW lurkers are reading, we are not all sexually deviant as Lloyd has insinuated.
100% true.
And 100% meaningless - if WT monitors this site and/or reddit (which they almost certainly do, or pay someone to do), they will 110% use this incident to paint all "apostates" as child-raping deviants to their adherents.
This incident will have done more to drive fence-sitters back to "mother" than any of his videos have done to influence anyone to leave.
Lloyd as the rest of his family is a piece of s***t.His father is one of the most hated elders in the area having destroyed many lives with his terrible decisions.His sister divorced her husband to kicked her husband in the street so she can have a free sex life with many in the area whereas avoiding disfellowshiping fainting mental issues. It is all about the money he shouted down many others activists and his aim from say one was to make money out of it.
If Watchtower or JW lurkers are reading, we are not all sexually deviant as Lloyd has insinuated. Many of us have left and continue to lead pretty moral lives regardless of being in Watchtower or not. The "worldly" people are not all drug addicts, sexually immoral, drunkards etc, as Watchtower insinuates.
This is a very good point. Does this help or encourage people to leave? Or does it tell them that the WTS is absolutely right about everything, that all they have told them about the people who leave is correct?
No, not all exJWs are like this. Not the majority, not even many. It's not normal, and not many people do this. Most of us who left did it because we couldn't abide dishonesty, corruption and seeing people being treated badly, not because we wanted to wallow in it ourselves.
The people who treat their wives badly when they leave are the same people who treated them badly when they were in. The people who fail to be decent and honest were already failing to be decent and honest when they had their JW badge on. Taking the badge off didn't change them at all, it just removed the cloak of assumption, where they benefitted from the belief that everyone else had similar motivations to yourself.
This is all before we get to what this does to survivors of sexual abuse and mistreatment, who may have contributed to him and now find out what a low-life abuser of women he is. How sickening must that be?
NOTE: Posts attempting to inject politics into this topic will be removed.