It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars

by Newly Enlightened 11530 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Vintage

    I'm saddened that Mark O'donnell isn't "with us" on this. I've truly admired his brilliant legal mind and memory for detail. Maybe it's like waking up from Watchtower was for me. I went through a very brief period,... perhaps only a few days,... when I thought I'd leave Watchtower behind, but never speak ill of it. Lol. Well, that didn't last long. Once I realized Watchtower had defrauded me of friendships, acheivements, earnings, my health, and a genuine, direct relationship with Jehovah and Jesus, I went online "looking" for ways to expose Watchtower. I hope Mark o'donnell wakes up from "Lloyd Evans". (That IS the name of Lloyd's cult, isn't it,... Lloyd Evans?)

  • ozziepost
    There is also a deep conflict of interest in his use of exploited women and girls and his CSA, domestic violence and sexual assault advocacy. His fraudulent insistence that he cares for those leaving Watchtower has been exposed as a lie and his activism nothing but fiscal self interest - for which he has cruelly driven off anyone who is a threat or with a dissenting opinion to his.

    This is so well expressed and “puts it in a nutshell” so to speak.

  • NonCoinCollector
    I'm saddened that Mark O'donnell isn't "with us" on this. I've truly admired his brilliant legal mind and memory for detail.

    Mark O'Donnell is a bit of an enigma. The warning signs regarding Lloyd Evans/John Cedars were there for years, but he ignored them. He never gave me a good reason why. All he could tell me was Lloyd had a big audience and Mark took advantage of that audience. I wish Mark all the best and I admire what he does, but I do not fully trust him and don't suggest that anybody else should either. Maybe it is because I am suspicious of anybody with that "elder" mentality.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    It seems to me that Mark is mindful of how badly Lloyd fucked up and is saying the right things only when necessary. It also seems to me that he doesn’t want Lloyd completely buried and is biding his time in anticipation of his rehabilitation. It’s almost like he’s placed his cooler on his box seats at the convention so when Lloyd waddles back in he’ll get a seat up front.

    Did he block Kim and throw shade at the way she blew the whistle on Lloyd because it made things inconvenient for him? Did he block her to demonstrate loyalty to Lloyd? Is there a proverbial “smoke-filled room” in ex JW circles with Lloyd, Mark and Richard E. Kelly sitting at the head of the table pondering what to do next?

    Prove me wrong Mark. I hope I am way off the mark here. I’d hate to see your work be tarnished by continued association with Jabba the Hutt.

  • Vintage

    Sorry. Who is Richard E. Kelly?

  • lloydevansparody
    Mark O'Donnell is a bit of an enigma. The warning signs regarding Lloyd Evans/John Cedars were there for years, but he ignored them. He never gave me a good reason why.
    Prove me wrong Mark. I hope I am way off the mark here. I’d hate to see your work be tarnished by continued association with Jabba the Hutt.

    In fact I got attacked on Twitter (only by men 😉) because my post about misogyny included Mark. In fairness, it is right to be said that many men had agree with me. This is not a man vs woman battle. But it is certain that 'some' men especially with a microphone attached, have never lost their elder status. Does this have anything to do with mr Evans? Yes it does. First of all there is a "vacancy" to be filled in the community.

    But also this. It was ok and cool to interview Kim for the Lloyd Evans scandal. She brought a lot of "viewers" in the end. That's was fine. It had to be done. But why is it that Kim is only contacted for the Lloyd Evans scandal? She has worked on so many cases. Can she be asked opinions and a point of view about something else but Evans? Or is she just helpful for the "gossip" because as a 'sister' she can only be useful for that? Or is it because being too close with Kim is too dangerous as someone with a leather jacket may be angry with that decision? Prove me wrong!

    And this can be said on many other women in the community. Why can't they be part of panels? Why can't they be "authoritative"? Why are they so useful for the scandal talks like the sisters in the KH? What makes Mark O'Donnell more authoritative than Kim Silvio or Sofia or S. Walker or Jillian, or Stephanie or Joseelyne or P/Bob or Sarah or Louise or Michelle and many other fabulous female activists?

    And I know many men especially in this forum share the same viewpoint and this can only be reassuring. For the minority of men that don't, we will get you exposed sooner or later.

  • Vintage

    I’d seen Mark O’donnell’s work three years ago, when I first woke up. I have only come to know Kim on this forum, and I’m so glad to have met her. I don’t know who the other nine female activists that you’ve mentioned are, lloydevansparody, but I hope to meet them soon. A few months after I woke up, I was invited to do the Spanish voice-over on a very short video by Barbara Anderson. It was a real thrill for me. If anyone has nine minutes to kill, this is my voice on Barbara Anderson - Mi Historia en Betel de Watchtower 5,780 views · 3 years ago.

    Here’s the original English version with Barbara’s own voice.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Who is Richard E. Kelly?

    Remember at the end of the Wizard of Oz where a man was found behind the curtain controlling everything?

    That’s probably an apt description of him. A self-made millionaire per his own story who retired at an early age and wrote a series of ex JW memoirs that nobody read. When AAWA kicked off, Kelly was the one who funded it and served as Treasurer when Lloyd (oops - “John Cedars”) was President. He flew at his own expense Lloyd and his wife, Bo Juel, and other early AAWA acolytes to his Tucson abode.

    True story - at their post dinner soirée fueled by expensive wine, Lloyd proposed something that Bo Juel said sounded stupid. At length Lloyd stood up crying, and announced that him and his wife were leaving because of what Bo said. Bo tried to reason he didn’t call Lloyd himself stupid but that the idea was. Lloyd preferred the scene he wanted to make and was the first to leave. He later claimed Bo was hitting on his wife.

    Richard has been bankrolling Lloyd from the very beginning and was the mystery man Marc Latham was calling out in the last livestream a week ago. It is unknown as to what level he is still giving Lloyd money if at all, but he is known as a two-faced person who has made fun of Lloyd behind his back but would support him publicly.

    He retains an aura of mystery as he is absent from social media and plays a role largely in the background. He’s the Don Corleone of the ex JW world and if you want to found your own non-profit and get a lump sum of money to kick it off, he’s the guy you go to.

  • slimboyfat

    Interesting. Have you got any information on where Marvin Shilmer went? Didn’t he support LE early on too?

    I saw the video with Mark and two others discussing JW dot org yesterday. It was worse than watching paint dry. I endured about 3 minutes.

    If other YouTubers want to displace LE they need to up their game. Here’s a top hint: Make shorter videos! Less is more. The worst thing about LE and his imitators is that they take and hour an half to say something that could be said in ten minutes. You’re not Joe Rogan. Most people aren’t willing to invest hours of time on a summary of what’s going on. A JW that presented succinct info in an easy style would be miles ahead of the others.

  • lloydevansparody
    The worst thing about LE and his imitators is that they take and hour an half to say something that could be said in ten minutes.

    This should be in the Bible for activism.

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