It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars

by Newly Enlightened 11530 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • NonCoinCollector
    He has lost at least half his income and all this would come out of his pocket for at best minimal benefit to his channel and fortunes.

    Interesting that you say this. Another YouTube channel I follow said yesterday that due to the global recession that is now underway the YouTube ad revenue is about half of what it was. The loss of 40% of his patrons, half the ad revenue, flat book sales and merchandise, Lloyd's income isn't nearly what it was last year.

  • Yooters

    So, in a a nutshell, Lloyd is pretty much doing Whot similar to the WT organization doctrine. Using the Patreon funds as “new light”.

  • slimboyfat

    I think LE sees that the channel is in decline and he doesn’t have the motivation to carry on producing content with no mates to help him fill the hours of content necessary. So what does he do? He’s lost interest in JWs but he still has over 400 people sending him money every month. He’s not going to turn down free money, ever. So he perfunctorily keeps the channel going with the minimum amount of effort to keep it ticking over. He has half a notion that expanding the channel to include other topics will broaden his appeal but he probably suspects that will be a failure too. So he’ll just ride the ship all the way down until he finally runs out of patrons, or until there are so few patrons that it’s not even worth the effort to keep up the pretence any longer. The suckers are the patrons who jump ship last.

  • Simon
    The suckers are the patrons who jump ship last.

    The suckers are all the patrons who ever were.

  • Vintage

    SBF, I think that’s a good assessment of Lloyd Evans’ “professional activist” situation. He’s now a “professional activist” against... what? Whatever news comes out against (or from) Watchtower, several other YouTubers will have already beat him to the punch before he can wake up and turn on his computer. Maybe he thinks that his charisma will carry him through,... but a comparison of his looks and demeanor between now and ten years ago shows a man who has lost his “boyish good looks” and whose enthusiasm has been replaced with surly cynicism. There ARE other “causes” in the world that could use a passionate advocate, a “professional activist”, but does Evans really know anything about rights for the handicapped? animal neglect and abuse? contaminated drinking water? cooking in aluminum (aluminium)? effects of vaccinations? prison reform? Does he know enough about any of these to champion a cause, on EITHER side of the argument? Does he even know as much about these as I know?

    Yes, I agree, SBF. I think he will just “ride the ship all the way down”, maybe while he sings a song.

  • Diogenesister
    Does he know enough about any of these to champion a cause, on EITHER side of the argument? Does he even know as much about these as I know?

    It's embarrassing how culturally & politically uninformed he is - and that would be ok, if he didn't pretend to be so!!

    His knee-jerk reaction is whatever the liberal media spouts without ever checking the most basic of facts.

    For example his attack of Joe Rogan for 'promoting horse de-wormer' long after he had been vindicated. His immediate championing of Lia Thomas and 'THE transgenders' as he puts it....managing to both offend trans rights activists AND women's rights activists in one fell swoop. Despite science establishing that going through male puberty will enable you to vastly out compete any woman - no matter how much HRT a male ingests.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    Lloyd did quite well with green handshakes and I can’t even remember an overseas trip that wasn’t funded at least in part by the local JWs. I know of at least two such donors who would send him $100-$200 a month through PayPal and have now stopped.

    Expect more videos with American Mormon missionaries in Croatia. His days of flying overseas with the tab picked up by the locals are over. The secret is out that he spent rather indulgently on himself with donations and that’s why he’s making threats toward people who expose him.

  • GabeAthouse
    For example his attack of Joe Rogan for 'promoting horse de-wormer' long after he had been vindicated.

    Ivermectin to treat covid is nonsense and it hasn't been 'vindicated'. (edit after posting)Upon re-reading, I guess you mean by 'vindicated' that Joe wasn't actually buying it from the local feed and seed but instead obtained a prescription. True. Still useless, but OK.

  • Vintage

    This is pretty much off-topic, but here goes. I keep quassia, wormwood, oregano oil (plus empty capsules), and ground cloves on my bedside table. My Hulda Clark zapper is at the foot of my bed. My green black walnut hull tincture is on the dining room table. And I keep flax seed oil in the refrigerator. A bag of sprouted pumpkin seeds sits in the kitchen, delicious, and stuns tapeworm. The sliced areca nut, from which I make a very pleasant tasting tea, is in my kitchen,... kills tapeworm, too. Yay anti-parasite herbs! No, I’m not vaccinated.

    I became so enamored of the areca palm that I bought one and put a grow-light on it. Voìla! My kitchen counter.

  • GabeAthouse
    This is pretty much off-topic, but here goes. I keep quassia, wormwood, oregano oil (plus empty capsules), and ground cloves on my bedside table. My Hulda Clark zapper is at the foot of my bed. My green black walnut hull tincture is on the dining room table. And I keep flax seed oil in the refrigerator. A bag of sprouted pumpkin seeds sits in the kitchen, delicious, and stuns tapeworm. The sliced areca nut, from which I make a very pleasant tasting tea, is in my kitchen,... kills tapeworm, too. Yay anti-parasite herbs! No, I’m not vaccinated.

    I like to get myself a good bleeding every now and then.

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