It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars

by Newly Enlightened 11530 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Chinapomo

    Lots of cults are destructive. Why is this forum about jw?

  • Vintage

    Kim Silvio was a volunteer worker for Evans, and she was a retired lawyer (solicitor). Of COURSE there was no attorney-client relationship, hence no attorney-client privilege. But the absence of an attorney-client relationship apparently doesn’t stop Evans from “dreaming”. That was the point of my previous comment.

  • Simon

    He constantly refers to Kim as "retired lawyer" so ... retired = no-longer working. Unless he signed a contract of engagement, she wasn't representing him in any legal capacity.

    He's clutching at straws, or rather, throwing mud in the hope that it gives the appearance of some impropriety.

  • Chinapomo

    Lloyd is not very smart. It should be obvious by now.

  • Vintage
    “He's clutching at straws, or rather, throwing mud in the hope that it gives the appearance of some impropriety.”

    I agree, Simon. Evans is “hoping against hope” to find a way to take Kim down. But “law” does have its exceptions. I found online a case (US law) where a professional who was not under contract was successfully sued after giving free advice. This was a very rare case. I also see where (US law) being a “retired” lawyer is no protection against being sued. (Though, in those cases that I found, the lawyer had not been “retired” when originally giving advice.) Those two cases (online) were separate, not facts of the same case. I’m only mentioning this because, I believe those remote possibilities explain Evans’ crazed obsession with Kim’s credentials. He is apparently racking his brain to find a way to implicate her in some kind of wrong doing.

  • Vintage

    Chinapomo asked,

    Lots of cults are destructive. Why is this forum about jw?”

    We are on a website called Jehovahs-witness .com

    Chinapomo, I will now admit that I made an assumption (a guess, really) that the last part of your avatar name had a meaning related to JWs. Yes, I thought that “pomo” probably indicated “physically out, mentally out”. Was I completely wrong?

  •  Debra

    Lloyd is obsessed with finding Kim's credentials so he can snoop around the website her name is on and study it to see if there is any thing he can use against her to throw out to us or his lawyers, but yes the above is correct she never ever acted for him in a legal setting so she's done nothing wrong, and certainly NOT answerable to him. I can imagine Lloyd late at night between sexting "girls" obsessively trawling the internet looking for anything he can fling at her or to the other m7

  • Chinapomo


    I was being sarcastic since the previous comment asked why there is such a long thread about a random exjw

  • Thisismein1972

    "He'll have "Climate FILM MAKER" in his Twitter Bio....just because he walks around with a decent camera exjw's bought him.... to make exjw content."

    What no he/Him in his Twitter profile? I'm surprised he/Him hasn't jumped on this super woke trope yet!

  • Thisismein1972

    Darn it. 538 pages about a random exjw. Random implies that one has simply plucked an innocent bystander for our evil pleasure. Mwahahahahah I feel so evil right now.

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