Interesting... I think with Patreon, you can make posts only meant for people donating at a certain level (or higher). So with this post, only those donating at the $25/month level or higher can like/comment.
But, as the wife just pointed out, it has no likes/comments.
He posted at this level in November, again no likes or comments.
This level post in October, just one comment/like.
September, no likes/comments.
August, 2 likes.
So mehtinks that maybe he doesn't have any patrons (or maybe just the 1 or 2) at the $25 or $49.99 levels.
If he doesn't any patrons at that level, it would explain why he "canceled" the call, but of course he had to make a post about it to make people think he's at least trying to do the bare minimum.
I bet his 401 whopping patrons are more at the $1 and $5 level, which helps explain his panic at the freefall. Even in Croatia, $2000/month plus whatever few dollars he gets from YouTube isn't going to cut it when you've got an apartment, a full separate studio, karaoke bills, an illiterate lawyer that will bleed you dry for years, "dates" to pay for, and an expensive porn habit to maintain. I'd add spousal and child support to that list but that's probably last on his list of priorities, if he pays anything at all.