It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars

by Newly Enlightened 11530 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • annihilator

    Kim and Mikey,

    Just watched your Thank You Friends video where you said that you going to do a podcast with DANNY : DE HEK on Saturday Dec 17,2022

    DANNY : DE HEK is a LE apologist

    For your info DANNY : DE HEK did a hit piece against us by doing a video praising LE on you tube on Feb 3, 2022 when the LE scandal broke in which he now removed the video.


    The following is the address of his video that is now removed!

  • annihilator

    Kim and Mikey,

    Instead of talking crypto with DANNY : DE HEK maybe you should talk LE with DANNY : DE HEK the LE hack.or maybe just opt out.

    The following text are the words of

    Kim Silvio video about EXJW activists Lloyd Evans
    98 views • Feb 3, 2022 • No matter the rights or wrongs, I think people who think they have the right to post content on the Internet de frame someone, cause them and their family a lot of pain and anguish and then run away is just wrong.

    Lloyd Evans has put his whole life online to expose this religious cult, then someone comes along and decides they need to do the right thing and broadcast it to the world telling his actions when it is no business of ours.

    Personally I believe it’s a cowardly attack.

    27 minutes ago
    Thank you for posting a comment if you’re going to throw some mud I think you need to be prepared to interact with the people, rather than hiding after causing so much mayhem.

    I can’t speak for you but I can say we’re all screwed up and I think Lloyd has done his fair share of work and I honestly don’t care what he does with the money, it’s none of our business in fact it probably be a pretty awesome guy to go out and have a beer with! Maybe not in Thailand I might get myself in trouble ;-)


    Someone who is in contact with Kim and Mikey please forewarn them about this DANNY : DE HEK character.

  • Vintage

    Kim and Mikey see private messages sent through this website, though I don't know how fast they see them.

  • Diogenesister

    "Lloyd Evans has put his whole life on the line to expose watchtower"??!!


    More like he's drummed himself up a six figure sum per year from vulnerable,naive ex witnesses! He's actually created a life - or at least a career - for himself where he had none, with his watchtower "Hacktivism"!


    Has Danny changed his position in relation to lloyd since then? I know quite a few who were scathing towards me started to change their opinion over time 🤷‍♀️

  • Thisismein1972

    That was back in February 2022, back then there were still quite a few defending Lloyd. A lot has happened since then and people are now seeing Lloyd for who he is.

  • ForeverAlone
    A lot has happened since then and people are now seeing Lloyd for who he is.

    This is what happened to me. It took me quite a few months to decide how I felt about the situation.

  • annihilator
    Poor judgement does not cut it.

    Once deceived you will again be deceived.

    Everyone is entitled to their own decisions, I am just playing the messenger in this instance, fore-warning good people who are vulnerable of being deceived.

    I got nothing at stake in this, as I was never a JW and was never a fan of LE the grifter.

    My main concern in all of is the safety of children in high control groups and individuals like LE who are suspect to say the least, who has admitted to using sex workers on a regular basis and texting with girls on the internet, among other things.

    I do not know anything about this DANNY DE HEK character, besides from the only video I watched from him was the hitpiece against KIM SILVIO which came up on the Youtube search function at that time.

    The DANNY DE HEK character already committed himself when he did the hitpiece against KIM SILVIO and the comments he made, all after he watched the LE Thailand video.

    Therefore, I have no respect for this DANNY DE HEK character.

    You can also mark this post down you gullible fool!

    Ha Ha Ha
    The DANNY DE HEK character already committed himself when he did the hitpiece against KIM SILVIO and the comments he made, all after he watched the LE Thailand video.

    I don’t know that I ever saw that video, i also didn’t see a follow up “I got it wrong” video, which I would have done if I had made a hit piece video about something….interesting info thank you x

  • Toblerone5

    Are you kidding me? my Rebuttal on that is on the next page...

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