this is page 759 ,and so far , we talk about the Youtube livestream ,the stupid LAWSUITS , the Patrons DROP, his ''GIRLFRIENDS" addiction , the many, many ,many VACATIONS he took ,not to mention the separation from his WIFE , how he use his kids as photos PROPS and so on... Then, all of the sudden he sing a stupid song, complain how Boohoo his fingers hurts, we make a few comments on that ,and suddenly, POUF! "GIGGLE" , appears to give all of us a Lecture? Interesting...So of all the things we talked about , THAT'S your master. (unless it 's Jabba the hunt in person ) Achilles Heel ? The singing performance? OMG! It's a well known fact that the entertainment industry is the hardest industry to break into. The few comments that was post here are nothing compare to what a real record executive , like Simon Cowell, for example, would say about that little amateur open mic show... As for the "Enjoying life " comment... It's easy to enjoy life when you sit on your fat ass all day ,being giving $$$ just to make 1hrs or less little videos on the bad Watchtower, take not one ,not 2, but 3 \4 Vacations per years , tweet about how many Star wars or star trek movies or tv shows you just watch, a little bit of yoga, then off we go to the karaoke bar, and when that's done ,Drive around in is BMW until he sees a ''20 years old Girls '' who's standing in the street , and stop to ask her how much she charge per minutes !