It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars

by Newly Enlightened 11530 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Where I will be overly critical is on those cringy-as-hell lyrics matched with chords you put together when you're 12.

    It was something I’d expect at a Kingdom Hall cookout or in granny’s backyard. The people there who don’t know any better applaud and think he’s got skillz.

    I agree that it’s simplistic and rudimentary. Good enough to earn an “attaboy, you’re doing great kid.” But so simple I can imagine it was originally written to Kingdom lyrics.

    ”I don’t know about YOU

    But serving JeHOvah is what I’m gonna DO

    Service and more

    Let’s go door to door!”

    He either watched a Beatles documentary about the Hamburg years or thought worldly people go down to Paris, guitar in hand, and walk into random restaurants to perform.

  • Vintage

    I wasn't able to open the link to his video. It's too bad that he is mediocre. I really hoped that he would find something to do with his time and his life other than lord it over people spiritually. Yes, spiritually! ...even though he is "atheist".

  • markweatherill

    Ah yes, 'cursive singing', as demonstrated in the song that's literally the flipping theme tune for Lloyd Evans' channel:

  • Vintage

    I did not know that! Thanks, mark.

  • ForeverAlone
    Ah yes, 'cursive singing', as demonstrated in the song that's literally the flipping theme tune for Lloyd Evans' channel

    I had no idea that that was an actual song! But getting to know Lloyd I am not surprised. Is this song not copyrighted? It would be so funny if Lloyd had to take ALL of his videos down and replace them with something else! Now that would take some work, alot of work for Tibor to have to do. Unless he has already had to let Tibor go and he had to do it himself! BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

  • Vintage

    I agree, ForeverAlone. I wonder if Lloyd had a financial agreement with the copyright owner. And no one has mentioned Tibor lately, have they?

  • ForeverAlone
    I agree, ForeverAlone. I wonder if Lloyd had a financial agreement with the copyright owner. And no one has mentioned Tibor lately, have they?

    Surely, he has an agreement with the copywrite holder, I mean he couldn't be that stupid, can he?

    I haven't heard about Tibor in a long time as well. I hope that he has moved on with his life. Being around Lloyd that many hours have to be exhausting. Maybe he has gotten to know the real Lloyd and left him. I imagine Lloyd is not able to pay him as much now so maybe he has left.

  • ozziepost
    I haven't heard about Tibor in a long time as well. I hope that he has moved on with his life.

    Was he “Gracious” to the end?

  • Indoubtbigtime

    So has he definitely separated from his family?

    he has got a place near his studio, or does he live in his studio as he showed washing machines and things there?

    he said it’s only like 30mins from his in laws house or something?

    is he staying in that foreign country just for his daughter’s? He doesn’t speak the language and he has no job, probably no friends

    he keeps showing up in London I wonder how long before he move to uk

  • Vintage

    It does seem that he has a lonely existence. He probably would “explain that away” by saying that it’s lonely at the top. Doesn’t he ever have just the tiniest bit of self-doubt? Does he really think that out there in cyber-land people are just falling all over themselves wanting to get to know him? And yes, he would have a better chance of gainful employment in a country where the language is English. England has health-care, doesn’t it? And it has some sort of financial support for the elderly, doesn’t it? But, if it is like the US, a person has to work there and pay into the system in order to qualify for that help later on.

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