I'm sorry but I have to speak out here. Who are you really ForeverAlone? I have been watching your messages and they actually sound more like either a Lloyd supporter or Lloyd himself. Debra does not need to share anything to prove anything at all.
I am getting extremely sick of this "We need 100% proof" argument when there are hours and hours of Lloyd abuse online for everyone to see. He can say whatever he likes and everyone believes him, but everyone who goes against him has to show 100% evidence that Lloyd is a piece of shit.
I really do hope I am wrong here, however, this shit needs to stop here. No one needs to prove anything anymore, let alone someone who has been through abuse.
There is only 1 person on this forum who knows my true identity, and I can assure you I am not Lloyd or a Lloyd supporter. I was a Lloyd supporter for years though.
I am a person who likes facts and evidence. I learned that you cannot believe everything that you see on the internet, and you need more than 1 or 2 pieces of circumstantial evidence before it can be as effective as real evidence. The more evidentiary the facts are the more I believe them. Thats how it should be. This is also the reason why it took so long for me to be totally convinced that Lloyd needed to be gone from this community and nowhere near CSA/SA victims and survivors. It took me months and months of reading and verifying this circumstantial evidence to finally convince me that the stuff I was reading and seeing was in fact the truth. I am not a vindictive person at heart. If there is even the slightest chance that someone does not need to be "blacklisted" I am going to give them this chance. I would rather be safe than sorry that I took part in the cancellation of someone.
I know there are people that do not have the time or inclination to put in the effort and hours I did to come to the same conclusion as me. The more 100% proof that can be provided the easier it is to convince 550 or so patrons to quit supporting him. I just want him gone as quickly as possible and the way we do that is provide direct 100% proof that no sane person can justify at all. I have an Associate's and Bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice. In the Criminal Justice system, the more 100% proof you have the easier it is to convict a guilty person. This is the same way here.
There seems to be a lot of people on here that are so understandably angry at Lloyd that they will believe anything that someone says in this thread, twitter, reddit...etc. I am not one of those people. I have never been personally affected by Lloyd's anger, rage, outing...etc. I never knew anything about Lloyd other than his videos until I joined this forum 9 months ago.
I myself am a survivor of CSA (outside WT). I do not mind telling every detail of my abuse because it has been so long since then and I have had 23+ years of therapy to get over it. I just thought if Debra was in the same boat as me, she would consider sharing that's all.
Love to you Thisismein1972.